Saturday, June 29, 2019

100 Days of Transformation-Days 54-52-Full Steam Ahead!

Oh, so Busy!

Please believe me when I say, it's not for lack of desire or effort when I don;t gete this blog done daily!

Between moving car loads from my storage unit to my new place, helping with babies, washing and cooking, and spending 5-6 hours on the phone with Microsoft support and the US store where I purchased my laptop ( and still need an other call!) -oh  and yeah, going to a wedding south of the border yesterday, there hasn't been a minute!
And of course, this means I've had no access to Office, so not able to work on anything that requires it.

So, just quickly, it's not even 6:30 Sunday morning and I have another twelve hour day out, so I wanted to get something in here.

These past few days I have done well with my fasting hours, mostly surpassing this week's minimum of 13 hours, but I have had some foods, I hadn't previously had-like last night, I made that my "cheat meal", just coz it made sense, but earlier this week I had gone to dinner with a friend and not mentioned my self imposed restrictions. I know she always cooks very organically, so I didn't bother, but as a result, a did partake in a little of what I haven't in 7 weeks. As with last night, I didn't overeat, but I do want to re-set to my previous clarity of borders, and with special events aside, keep Sunday as the option for a 'cheat meal'.

It's actually harder to maintain discipline once you have a taste of something than it is to avoid it altogether. Obviously, the goal is to get to that place of a fasted life, where discipline is always engaged, so it's habitual, but I'm not at that point yet, as I am only half way- tomorrow (Monday).

I didn't get to the gym, but worked out twice with moving ( yes, there are stairs too!) and did two short upper body sessions at home. I hope to get three sessions in at gym this week ( and will still be moving!)

Word WiseThe last few days had me looking at the principle of the necessity of vision in order for whole-hearted commitment, and the enabling grace to fulfil it, to flow. Also, trying to remind myself of the Lord's advice to 'ask, seek and knock'.

In addition to this, wanting to keep my focus on I am the Lord who heals you Ex 15:26 and It is He who gives you the ability to create wealth Duet 8:18.These are areas I need to strengthen, and if I am to succeed in business as the Lord promised, and in well being, I need my heart fully established. not just knowing what the verses say.

Work Wise

This coming week, as I begin to take more time for my own work in my own office, I will be taking stock and reviewing and re-setting the goals and objectives, according to the original vision I had from the Lord. As well as the business plan and sales forecasts set during my NEIS course. I am signing the final agreement with them tomorrow morning, in order to kick off my new business, Learning With Lisa Online the following Thursday, July 11.

I had some stressy moments about money with my new accommodation obligations, but like I said, the Lord is faithful. My pay for a gig I did a month ago, came through on Friday, which was much better than if it had come sooner, AND I received a request last night to do a short 2 hour gig tonight, which helps as well!

Plus, I am starting on illustrations for my friend's next book rather than working on copy, editing and formatting and uploading book interiors! Hallelujah! Paid painting break!

ALL of these little bits and pieces add up and make a difference, and will fit into my flow, once I'm working in my space. I'll still be up here with Rache two nights and days a week, but should get into a good flow the rest of the time. I do love being here with my babies and am a little concerned how Pearl will have to adjust to me not being here to knock on my door and get into bed with me for the initial times that I'm not here.

So! That's my update for now. Nearly time to shower and dress for church.
See you soon!
Be Blessed!

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