So, coming into another weekend. And the end of another 3 week phase.
Spiritually Speaking
Overall, I think I am progressing quite well. Doing this blog is keeping me in the Word, but I feel the need for more of everything and less of some other things, so have implemented a partial fast on the other content-less of it and replaced it with LIFE producing stuff!
In this busy, very young-family household, I have a fraction of the time I will have once I move into my own place-hence my eagerness. BUT, I DO love being here, building relationships, so I try to stay 'present' and content in this precious season with my growing grandbabies.
I have listened a few times to Charles Spurgeon's sermon The Years the Locusts Have Eaten
It speaks deeply to my heart because I feel like I wasted and lost so many years- which was probably one of my greatest fears- to waste what's given me. It also speak very acutely regarding these 100 Days, as it is the goal overall-to get over all that was associated with poor choices and directions I took after initially abandoning my hope in God as the Satisfier of my soul-which was so contrary too, to the years I'd already had with Him, but these things reveal the holes in our hearts, the chinks in our armour and the weaknesses that will destroy us, if we do not heed the Word. God wants us whole and sound- heal us and restore us thru and thru... He is, after all, Jehovah Rapha- The Lord who heals us!
Here is a great blog, leading the way by Dr. Michael Youssef for added reading on that. He basically points out that God is saying healing is what I am and when we come to God, we get access to wholeness on every level! hallelujah!
I am profoundly grateful God brought me back into the Light, and has been restoring me. Things have improved little by little, but I believe this year will see the end of any internal blemish I have let hold me down as a dead weight, and with it, all other kinds of excess weight.
He required that I walk it out, just as I did with Alopecea, so that I can be strong in my stand-with my mind renewed, my conscience clear and my heart FULL of rejoicing!
Freedom is the goal. Freedom to fully and boldly love and serve my God and Father, and my Lord and Saviour, by the power of His indwelling Holy Spirit.
On the natural level, I did 4 gym trips so far and have been on the continuing Daniel Fast with protein, however, I do feel the need to lessen the portions of the concentrated foods ( protein and carbs like potatoes/pumpkin).
Going into Week 7 my table says Intermittent fasting , Daniel fast + Protein.
In this tri-week block, I'm introducing Intermittent Fasting. This is a principle whereby you select a period of hours as an eating window and the rest of the time, only water. It sounds worse than it is, coz you do sleep through a lot of those hours-hopefully! You start timing fro the last thing you eat in the evening. It's good to do at least 12 hours, with the goal to get to 16, having only an 8 hr window.
You can put that 8 hrs wherever it suits you best.When I am living in my own space and on my own schedule, this 12 hours will likely be 10:30-6:30...or something like that. My eating plan is week 1 with 13 hours fasting and an 11 hr window.
Week 2: 14 hrs fasting:10 hrs eating window,
Week 3: 15 hrs fasting: 9 hrs eating window.
The final goal is 16 hrs fasting: 8 hrs eating window, which may become part of the following phases.
The one other change I'm adding is a 'cheat meal' where I can have whatever I want-within reason. Allowing this grace tho, means firm boundaries the rest of the time.
I have lost weight and some centimetres, but really don't want to get caught up there, and it is easy for me to do so. I will check both again after a full month from joining the gym.
What kind of changes or improvements, if any, do you feel you need to make in your daily routine?
What is stopping you?
Let me know in the comments.
Onward... :)
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