Sunday, June 16, 2019

100 Days of Transformation-Day 65-64 The Lord's Day & On

I had another, awake all night situations.
I've been enjoying waking up in the watches of the night to pray, worship, and/or journal. I like the stillness and I've woken quite alert at times.

So, at 2:30 I decided to journal a bit about things, but an hour later, although I tried to sleep, I felt more awake than ever-and stayed that way till I got up.

Then , I went to lead the worship  at church.
After church, a couple of my friends, the pastor's wife and the children's church leader, invited me to lunch again-so I went :)

On the way home, I stopped at the gym, for some resistance training for an hour, ONce showered, I started to pay with a pop up card design for my eldest daughter' fiance I watched Adam Sandler and Jennifer Aniston on a fun, somewhat tongue in cheek, murder mystery on Netflix.

Soon after, the family arrived home. I played with my pop-up card till my movie was over and then I went straight to babies and making dinner.

I've just come up stairs to write my blog ( I did notes in the middle of the night), but now, I am SOOO tired, I can 't sit still- let alone keep my eyes open. I either have to get to it earlier...

Day 64

I had to stop and go to sleep. And I didn't get up until 10 hours later ( except to wee thru the night ).
That is quite uncharacteristic of me. But I felt very tired.

It's only 8:15am, but I want to do this now, if I can.

The Benefits of walking with The Lord

God makes promises to us. This is how we are able to access the benefits. Naturally, we must believe those promises. John G. Lake once said something along the lines of  Christian ought to be most wildly optimistic people in the world. Because if you establish your heart in the promises of God, you really have overcome all that the world throws at you and have peace and grace through it, in the midst.

It's like having something who has the credibility and authority always with you, saying "It's ok. Everything will be fine." It IS having that someone.

Ps 103:1-5 for starters

Bless the Lord, O my soul,
And all that is within me
bless His holy name.
Bless the Lord all my soul, 
And forget not all His benefits,
Who forgives all your [my] iniquities
who heals all your [my]diseases,

who redeems your[my] life from the pit
and crowns you [me[ with steadfast love and mercy
who satisfies you [me[ with good [things]
so that your youth is renewed like the eagle's.

Could we get a better deal anywhere! These are the qualities of the salvation God has promised us.
But just reading these verses, and others like them, will not make it an automatic experience for us. We must supplant the old thinking that says we are condemned and guilty and sick and poor, and without hope.

It requires taking our eyes  off what we see and hear and feel etc in the natural realm and give priority and authority to the WORD. The promises must become bigger in our thinking and in our hearts than ANYthing else.

Let God be true and every man [ thing, circumstance, event, experience, friend, doctor...] a liar. Rom 3:4   Meaning that God's Word is the unquestionable FINAL Word.

God's Word is the unquestionable FINAL word.

This takes  Labouring to enter into rest. Heb 4:11  which simply means work smarter, not harder! Put your strength and focus and effort where it is going to count and make a transformational difference, resulting in the peace of God (nothing missing, nothing broken) becoming your experience, starting in your heart and mind.

2 Pet 1:4-11  please click and read.
This verse, paraphrased, basically says that God has given us access to everything we could ever need through His promises. Obviously, we need to know what those promises are! They give us the knowledge of the nature of God and allow us a way to participate in that nature, enjoying all that goes along with it as our own.

This passage also highlights a response from us, to walk in a manner in keeping with that nature, as we are able, at any time, to deviate, and lose what we have gained. To enjoy this amazing Life and STAY FREE, we must continue to walk in the light of God's Word. There is NO other way in this world to be free from sin or the effects of it.

Ps 103 is an example of promises that reveal the Father. The Father promised a Saviour and through Him and our relationship with Him, all the benefits of salvation.  Remember, Jesus IS the Word made Flesh. He is a promise fulfilled in every way. AS is the gift of the Holy Spirit to live within us. Another promise is that the Spirit will quicken our mortal bodies - that means to make them alive Rom 8:11

How To Apply The Word to Renew Your Mind And Establish Your Heart.

As you go about your day, you are probably playing various "tracks" in your head. Self talk, or mutterings, that are supporting some kind of mindset about you and how you see yourself, your world and you in that world.

The key is to become aware of when and how you are doing this. As you are diligent to focus on scriptures, repeat them, mull them over, think about what they mean and what God is saying he wants to be and do in your life, the Word will go to work in you. The power to fulfil those promises are contained in the Word of His Power.

When God SAID...there WAS- Gensis CH 1. That's how potent His Word is. It will go to work in you, and will lead through stages of awareness. When you can see that you are being moved by natural thinking that is contrary to His Word, or the hope that you have in it, FORSAKE YOUR THOUGHTS ( Is 55:10-11 click and read) Be willing to accept what God says instead. Take the promises, speak them out and take captive any thought that dares to exalt another option. ( 2 Cor 10:3-5 ) Your life and well-being depend on it. I have all kinds of fun and creative ways to keep the Word in my thinking. They may seem simplistic...but they are effective. If you would like access to any of these, let me know in the comments

The promises must be what come out of you when you are squeezed and under pressure, NOT your fears, doubts etc...then, you know your heart is established.

100 Days Continues-Week 6

So I am on Day 36, counting the other way :) Still in the second dietary stage of Daniel fast + protein.
Still, no bread, pasta , rice, noodles. 2 coffees usually one decaf. After this week, it changes again, and I will share how, later.

What it comes down to, is that every day, I am still 'no' to myself for a bunch of things. I am going for the discipline. I felt out of control in a lot of ways, and silencing the voice of the flesh just helps to bring things into a healthier perspective. Balance and boundaries: two of my VERY FAVOURITE things.

The personal situation that has carried much emotional weight flares up now and then, but comes with more of a resigned attitude. I know God is walking me through the sorrow of grief and loss, but you must admit, it's pretty good to have so much good stuff to sustain me along the way- so that I no longer resort to unhealthy ways to comfort  myself. And that is GOD! That's how he does things.

He will do it for you, too, if you ask Him.

I had a dream the other night that people had started to notice a change in my appearance. From that point, it began to change even more swiftly. Everything else, too. It was as if the seed, in the darkness of the dirt, putting out roots, suddenly showed it's face in the light and once in fullaccess of the elements took  off like a Beanstalk! And yes, that is how God does...

It may tarry... but in its time. it happens swiftly. Trust the timing and stay diligent and faithful. Is 60:22

Onward into the day!

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