Saturday, June 15, 2019

100 Days of Transformation- Day 68,67,66-Full On


So the past three days ...AND nights have been full-on and hands-on-hence, the lack of my daily blog post. It has bothered me, but what can you do? The things that took that time, needed that time. It also means I didn't get the usual time in the Word either.
Sometimes, you just have to let the flow of how things go be what it is, draw on the Word within. Stir it up and make it living food again.

Blending Ingredients

I feel like I will spend much of tomorrow, Sunday- re-establishing my footing. It's the final day of Week 5, and beginning of week 6 ( My days are sundown to sundown). I feel that when I re-introduced meat to my menu, it triggered a bit of a mixed result, coz usually three weeks of a Daniel Fast signals the end of all dietary denial. I still say 'not today' to myself over a bunch of things (toast, rice, biscuits, pasta) lol, so I guess I'm still living the 'fasted ' life, but it definitely seemed different. The rhythm or swing or something... changed.

And then, when I added the gym to the mix, it accentuated that even further. I've had a lot coming at me, but haven't caught up with it. The high I had to start the week was wonderful. The swirl of hectic activity the second half has exhausted me! And I was SOOOOOO sore from the gym. It took  a relatively pathetic amount to have such a dramatic impact-but hey! This is no 17 yr old body! lol  This more-than-three-times-that body is still largely unfamiliar territory in the world of resistance training, but I am on the way. :)

So, like mixing a list of ingredients, after adding a new baby, and shifting diets and adding the gym, special events, freelance work due dates, new business all slowly comes together into a single well blended dough, but initially, flour can fly!

And all I want is DOWNTIME.
I need to create. Clear the inner workbench and play a bit, then, take stock and lay some fresh plans.
I am someone who needs to daily balance my inner accounts through stillness, reflection, journaling and making art. Reconcile, Process, Assess and File.

Sometimes, prayer and worship with music are one way of accomplishing this. Study and meditation on the Word.
Sometimes, intimacy with my Creator, comes as I create! Gonna create some special cards tomorrow!

For Now...

It was my intention, these past three posts, to share on the promised beauty of the salvation that has now become real for anyone who believes, and over ensuing weeks, to expand on it.

But today, I just have ONE scripture:

For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God unto salvation for all who believe , first for the Jew and then, for the Gentile. Rom 1:16

This salvation is available for ALL. For ANYone. For WHOsoever will believe.
It is available for you.
Come to Jesus. Enjoy the salvation he paid so dearly for.

P.S. My voice is all good again. Don't know what that was all about, but I am to be able to sing again!

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