Friday, June 7, 2019

100 Days of Transformation- Day 75-74-A Shift in Focus

Today's blog is a reflective one.

Although it isn't the weekend yet, I want to pause on what has been emerging for me this week.

Shift #1
First, this week ended the original three week Daniel Fast that I started on Mother's Day (May 12), and ushered in the second three week stage... which included the addition of fish and chicken.

I haven't spoken much on the physical aspects of this fast and that is because I want it to be centred in the Word of God. But, that doesn't mean I didn't plan to include things at some point, or in the summaries. I want to share any good outcomes, and the sometimes rocky roads to getting there-but just not necessarily so publicly as I'm going.

Neither have a divulged the deeper emotional situation-but I will by the last day. Not that anyone cares or is paying attention lol

My hundred days is designed for me to come through all of these things via whatever path it leads, but I confess, this week, I just questioned and second guessed, and wanted to just quit, coz I really didn't FEEL like I was getting anywhere.

The Word, God's Word-is my anchor

This week I leaned even more heavily on scripture in these posts. I wanted to have some more focus and intention about what I'm believing and why. And it is that investment that has held me, coming up to my rescue when unworthy thoughts would slay my resolve.

It's the Voice of the Spirit that rises from reason from within. Godly reason.

Some Physical Facts

One of my BIG intentions with this 100 Days is to find my physical well being balance again. I have been years outside a regular routine, my 'normal' lifestyle, ways and habits and in that time, gone through menopause, as well, which might have been hard enough without that, but I believe it was made much harder-given the constant flux of my life. It would have been a good time to maintain healthy habits and routines.

Consequently, conditions developed and over years just continued to gain a hold. I would sometimes find a healthier window briefly, only to have it all flop back like a tight elastic. I really didn't understand my body any more, or its responses and behaviours.

The voice of a local GP saying You have a lot of things wrong with you... cut much deeper than anything to which she may have referred in the mere medical realm. And this is why we need salvation SOOOO badly. Coz, somewhere within us all, the accuser constantly berates us with the knowledge of our sinful natures and all the failures we have clocked up. After you have lived half a century and fallen short of your own expectations, it's easy to feel like a loser.
Feelings aren't the whole story, though.
It's just time to get back on track and be grateful you get that chance!

I truly believe mid life is for sorting out or being taken out by our 'stuff'.

If you don't get it sorted, it will kill you. At least, that's what I believe. And I have seen a lot of evidence to support this too.

So, I have had physical things flare up for me, around my voice- which is A BIG DEAL. I don't know why, and it isn't responding to my usual efforts. I HAVE TO SING...I have to worship.
I am called to do so, but I will, once more, have to make the stand and own God's promises.

When it comes to singing, I have had a hard ride and been dealt blow after blow of things to have to work through, around and in spite of. But each of these things is a mere FRUIT of the problem, and not the root. Problem is, the fruit is growing wild!

It's time to get to that ROOT, and yes, there may be physical areas that have opened those doors, but even those were opened through spiritual failures on my part. I have struggled to deal with this and forgive myself- even though the shed blood of Jesus is ample payment for it. The ONLY ample payment! Which is why we need it so badly!

I've experienced miraculous healing, instant and powerful. I even had my baby resurrected in the womb! I have also had healing that the Lord took two years to walk me out of, because he wanted to be sure my mind was renewed and I KNEW His power at work in me, through His word. When  I was 32, He led me through two years of restoring the top end of my voice, which I thought was lost through nodules at 15/16 yrs old. I hadn't had surgery (they go away if allowed) but had to be virtually silent for a year and I had never used 'singing quality' or falsetto in that 16 yr period.

I got it all back, following His instruction, and in the time frame He gave me.

This is the power of God's Salvation.

The one scripture I want to leave you with tonight, is in the New Testament- from the book of Romans.
For I not ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ, for it is the power of God unto salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first, and also the Greek Roman 1:16

This is why I won't quit now. This is the Word that has come to save me. The Word regarding this eternal and complete salvation.

Be encouraged to believe.
God is your solution-no matter the problem.

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