Sunday, June 2, 2019

100 Days of Transformation-Days 80/79- A New Phase

HI All!

So I am doing a wrap up weekend blog, which also wraps up this first three week stage of my 100 Days.

I have been finding my feet throughout this first three weeks and trying to get my head and habits around how best to, not only navigate this journey for myself, but hopefully provide a useful way to help others.

I am acutely aware that it has been a lot of mish-mash up to this point, but some clarity has started to shine through for me. The last three consecutive nights have found me awake for 1-2 hours in the deep dark stillness of night, writing out what was in my heart. I still don't know how to manage the time required to bring to fruition the ideas and plans I have ( my lifelong quest!), but it always starts with priorities.

My Priorities For This Journey- MAKE EVERY DAY COUNT
  1.  This 100 days is a high personal priority, so doing it well, and doing it right, means everything. Otherwise, it won't count for much, anyway. It has to flow from the Spirit. And it must be disciplined by the Word.
  2. If its worth planning, documenting and sharing, it could well be worth something to someone else as well. So, publish it in a usable, desirable, teachable, engaging and applicable form. (I realise, that hasn't been a strength, to date)
  3. Do the content creating from a mentally clear state (3 am? lol)

    So here is a new table to show how I would like to take this from here.

    My 5 Module Process

Does this look any more interesting ? lol
It certainly does for me!
It's going to help me get the best out of this whole exercise.
My hope is that the new additions to someone's day (who might be interested in following a similar outline) won't take more than one hour, whilst some will replace current activities, or modify them.

Well that fun image took some time, so  I am going to stop there.
I have made it to the end of my first module and am going to eat some meat for the first time in 3 weeks!

I hope you have had or, are having, a splendid weekend!
Till tomorrow ( Hasta Manana!)

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