Monday, June 24, 2019

100 Days of Transformation-Day 56-55-IN Its Time I will do it Swiftly.

8 weeks to go

All the images are from my new place. My bedroom,
overlooking back yard
Ask, seek and find...this has been a theme for Sunday and Monday. JESUS said...

Ask  and it will be given you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, the one who seeks, finds, and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened. Mt 7:7-8
My new compact office-only narrow but has
good storage  behind where I am standing.
I scored this wonderful thinking chair yesterday morn
from the Salvoes, next door to the gym I attend.
It has a massive matching footstool!
My desk and matching piano are in now, too.

In fact, in several places, Jesus said something similar, ask anything in His name, that the Father may be glorified. The proviso is that is Word abides in us and we abide in Him. If this is how we are living, we will ask in line with God's desires and plans, and He will hear and answer us.

Even though He knows all, He wants us to ask, so that we will know He hears and answers. In my last post, I shared a bit about that.

But here are some other verses you can click on, or look at in your own Bible, that confirm the Words of Jesus, repeatedly. The bible says let all matters be established by 2-3 witnesses (paraphrase 2 Cor 13:1, Deut 19:5)
Jn 14:13-14
Jn 15:16
LOTS of cupboards in the beautiful timber kitchen.
Jn 16:23-24  * "That Day" refers to when they have received the Holy Spirit
Ps 27:8  An call to seek
Jer 33:3 Another invitation to have mysteries revealed.

Lounge dining entry
Jesus also said, if we have faith NOTHING will be impossible for us, and that, with God ALL things are possible. We are told that every promise of God is "YES", and we shout the Amen, to His glory!

These are absolutes. Jesus left no grey area. But we must know what his word says and what is promised. And our hearts must be established in those truths more deeply than in what we were raised in the natural to be believe.

A week ago, I asked God to lead me to the place He had for me, instead of striving to push for what I thought was best. His leading was instant, the process now complete, and the moving begun! I had his favour EVERY STEP OF THE WAY!!! Saved time and money, worry and fears cast away.

We are encouraged to ask for wisdom ( James 1:5), with confidence that God will give it. James 4:1-3 also points out that we have not, cause we ask not, and we do not receive, because we ask with wrong motives-worldly, selfish motives. This doesn't refer to necessities. God has promised those. And we are blessed to be a blessing, not to hoard greedily.

He says He will lead, guide, instruct ( Ps 37:8-9)and He is faithful- if we will be led, guided and instructed. And even when we're not, He doesn't give up on us, He warns. He is always there, whenever we turn back to Him in godly sorrow, to pick us up and walk us out of our mess, with joy and thanksgiving in our heart.

Anything practical covered by the promises, and He even cares about the details that are special to you.The place I have is gorgeous and the price exceptional. I had favour with all. That's God.
But I did have to get out of the way, ask Him to guide and trust in His direction. he is faithful.

Have a great day and don't forget to lay your hearts desires thankfully before God, along with His promises for your own heart's remembrance...and know, in its time, He will do it swiftly! Amen!

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