Sunday, May 19, 2019

100 Days of Transformation- Days 94-93

Rest and Revive- Saturday

I thought I would take a day of in wrap up about the weekend in one post.

Saturday ( yesterday), was Federal Election Day, which is also one of the prayer points of this past week of fasting- and God heard and answered our prayers!
Today, we celebrate having the first Pentecostal Prime Minister!! Voted in by our own democratic process! This is one very glorious outcome of my 100 Days of transformation. :)

I did a little work yesterday, but mostly had a day off.
Everything was better in me and my world. I op-shopped ( thrift store) and found three satisfying items (bearing in mind my wardrobe goal from last post), bought my grandbaby a tea set that she absolutely loves and finally found some push pins to use on my notice board.

Grateful Heart

All these may seem like rather trivial things, but they each brought me great joy and stirred within me, a full and thankful heart. I even experienced a release in the area that has brought heart ache, so felt even better!And when our hearts are full and thankful, life is GOOD!

What small pleasure did you last time to enjoy? And I mean, relish deeply! Milk it for all it's worth! 

It's important to make habit of being thankful for so many reasons:
1. Makes you feel good
2. Opens the way for more
3. Shows God you trust Him
4. Cant complain at the same time
5. You're more fun to be around
6. Better for your health, mental and physical
7. God is good and worthy of your thanks and praise, even when you don't feel like it.
8. Stands guard over your Spirit led/ Word based prayers.


I was asked at the last minute to lead the worship, from the keys, with a three piece. I was a little anxious, but believe God only provides opportunities as the good works He prepared for me to do. I agreed so long as my daughter wasn't giving birth (she is due today!)

The morning service was amazing! It went very well and most importantly, God showed up! I was asked to lead again this evening, and the pastor, who has been undergoing a phenomenal shift in this area, led the whole church in free worship. I have never seen this pastor do that in all the years I've known him. It's another incredible working of grace!

What occurrences have you let slip by without acknowledging their significance as blessings? It feels so good to say 'thank you' for each one! You realise how good you've got it!

I share this, because although perhaps a little harder to see from outside my psyche, I connect all these things with my fasting and prayer too. God is moving me into the place He wants me to  be.
I am continuing with the Daniel Fast I mentioned in Day 100 and doing fine.

I am far too tired to stay up any longer, and given a baby may decide to come at any moment, I am gong to sleep!
See you tomorrow!

And in case, you're wondering, my daughter hasn't given birth yet! ;)

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