Thursday, May 16, 2019

100 Days of Transformation-Day 96

Today was so full, it felt as long as two days!
Not in a bad, dragging kind of way-just full.

Congratulations In Order!

My lovely son and I. He's the baby ( 26) :)
So, today, my son Matthew, and I finished our course. He's all done, but I have a few last bits to complete. It looks like he will get to kick off on May 30, but I get about 6 weeks more (July 11) to get my work organised-which is most helpful!

It feels good to be seeing the end of the beginning! lol

And I 'm quite happy to have my Wed/Thur back too!

Fast Food

Now, today felt quite good. Didn't really crave anything or give much thought to food, other than to mentally consider the fact that I am fasting -finally! It took me literally MONTHS to get to the place where I felt ready to give up my daily joys.

Food had been my comfort. Coffee, too. Although, I think I generally eat quite moderately, I really just don't need much! Plus, thoughts of food and body image had just begun to consume way to much mental 'air' time.
The Lord gave me grace last Sunday to kick off my fast and with each passing day, I grow stronger. :)


Not to be too graphic, but some of the changes I am and have been experiencing include: no gas or bloating,  sleeping for longer hours at a time ( a BIG deal!) and the head-aches seem to have subsided. I had some through the day, but they are all gone, now. It feels good to NOT have a bloated belly at the end of each day.

Oh, and I am struggling to write this. as I keep dropping off to sleep, even as I sit here, typing!

In other areas, such as my emotional condition and causative circumstance: not ready to talk yet.  I had some flat, empty places earlier in the day, but things improved. I do my best, at these times to use God's promises to hold me and I saw a fat arc of rainbow today, in the eastern sky-so vivid and wide. IT served as reminder that God is faithful to His promises.
I stopped to enjoy it and send a photo of it to my husband, Larrie.
This picture doesn't, in the least , do it justice!

I had to go to Tugun and submit some original documents for a Senior Centre that booked me for a gig on May 31. I had been trying to get that done for a couple of weeks, so it felt like a major milestone to tick off my list!

I visited Possum and Ben Possum this eve (my eldest daughter and her fiance) and enjoyed a lovely impromptu visit. As I was talking with these two, I actually saw a difference in myself, and reflecting on it further, after I left, I appreciated that development even more.
I AM getting somewhere!

Moving Ahead

The thought I'd like to leave you with today is not to give up. I know we can get so tired of trying, so weary of pushing on. The path forward can seem daunting and just way too demanding, but if you just turn up every day, and do whatever you can, you will get through...

Because...GOD is faithful and in due time, He will bring you forth as gold, if you hold to His word, and faint not. He gives sweet morsels along the way, too-if we give Him the chance.

His peace transcends ALL understanding and guards our hearts and minds, restoring our souls.
Phil 4:6-7
My prayer for you today, is that you experience this peace, no matter the storm.

Feel free to let me know of a time when you cried out for God, and He gave you deep, and unwavering, peace.

Til tomorrow... :)

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