Good Fit
Is 58:8-12 is a good fit as an overlay for all the things I hoped to be accomplished through this century of days. Looking back to Derek Prince's [slightly modified] list from Day 84-last night, I can easily slot my hopes into the areas listed.
In Day 95, I made my own list and a sample table of my fasting plan. I avoided including the intercessory prayer, for various people because I didn't want to discuss personal matters that concerned others, but I will include some general statements here.
And I think I had something for most, if not all, of them! I have added some notes beside the list elements to show how all I wanted for this fast is offered by God as a reward for fasting done in His will.
So, Is 58:8-12 is a good passage for me to take time to review daily, as it lays out God's promises for those who fast, in keeping with God's will.
- Light... Clarity of vision and simple singularity of purpose and direction
- Health (speedily)...weight loss, exercise/work out routine-wardrobe for new look
- Righteousness...renewed in my thinking to who I am in Christ, and who he is in me
- Glory...transformation in me and those whose lives I impact, demonstrating God's might to save.
- Answered prayer... new home with office, income to pay for it, well ordered days- and fullness of joy, knowing where I belong and functioning there.
- Continual to follow the Spirit's leading and seeing God delivering me as I am obedient and for His promised Rewards to come to fruition in my life.
- Satisfaction & great Shepherd, Provider, and Source of Peace
- Strong bones...reduced inflammation and increased muscle mass
- Work that endures...establish and excel in new business, to have regular $$ to give into ministries-and anywhere else I desire.
- Repairs and Restoration...Prayers and intercession for specific people to encounter God in new and deeper ways. Prodigals come home! Broken relationships renewed. This is particularly exciting.
- a significant weight loss.
- to be 1-2 sizes smaller
- to be a lot healthier
- to have much improved sleep quality
- to build a signature look wardrobe
- to have my own home and home office
- to be excelling in my new online business
- to have a stable routine for holistic well being
- to love my life again
- to know where/how I belong in the greater Body of Christ and be there!
- to have a regular $$ giving schedule
- to be developing fluency in French
- to be head over heels in love with my God.
Next step is to find other supporting verses for these promises.
Come back tomorrow for some more. Meanwhile, there is plenty here, to begin to profess mind renewing Word.
Come back tomorrow for some more. Meanwhile, there is plenty here, to begin to profess mind renewing Word.
I'll be doing with you!
That's it for tonight, for me.
That's it for tonight, for me.
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