Tuesday, May 21, 2019

100 Days of transformation- Day 91

Hey all!

Today, I was just so full of joy that we have a born again , Spirit filled Prime Minister-and he was voted in by a good majority! Even the media have dubbed ScoMo, Scott Morrison,  The Miracle Man.
I reckon it's gonna stick, too!

I have this enormous sense of glorious things to come. It's commonly believed, among the spirit-led believers, that the time of the end is so close and all of the political shifting around is about God setting the stage for a final sweep for souls before the end of life on earth as we have known it.

Transformation is everywhere, not just in and around me, but all over the world! And I am so glad, and grateful, to be riding the wave. Were it not for the grace of God, I could easily have missed it.

In keeping with this theme, I would like to share a song I wrote and recorded, that I believe is for this hour.
It's called There's A Cry ( The Anthem) and you can listen to it, here.

Please let me know if you have a listen, and what you think. If you like it, I can arrange a copy for you. 

Music And Art

I spent time doing music and art today. Prepared for the worship for the prayer meeting tonight and made a Printable. Also known as a Freebie. It was a small "Colour-Your-Word" Colour-in booklet

I haven't actually set it up to be downloaded yet, but it's contents are on the cover. ( left) I want to tweak it a little. I've also made a folded book version with an A4 print out, but it's pretty small for colouring. (A6), so I am considering how I can improve it.

These designs are images I've created for members of my family or myself, but could be fun for others too.

This is also all part of the new business I am kicking off in July, called Learning With Lisa Online. The nature of this business is built on 'content marketing'- or, giving away a lot of  quality stuff, generating a reliable name. The idea is that people who benefit from what you do and use it, will become those who want more of it. And as the content creator, my job is always to find out how I can do more for these people.

My 'school' is all about creativity. How to become more creative, think more creatively, and use those skills to increase the quality of life and relationships through various projects. It is also aimed, at least for now, at the baby boomer generation of women who love the idea of bonding creatively with family and friends.

Keeping On

The fasting continues...although, it has had a few challenging moments, when I REALLY wanted a cup of coffee, or some toast with vegemite! lol But being a spiritual fast, rather than a natural one, that self denial is part of the power in it. Trust me, I wouldn't do it, just to lose weight. But to have prayer objectives, and peoples' lives weighing in your heart, gives you a greater incentive. And because I am seeing so much 'fruit' from previous prayer and fasting, I am further bolstered.

My little brother, so dear to me, in recent months, sent me a message out of the blue, whilst I was still in  California. In summary, he said  that he was recommitting himself to Jesus ( He had tried Christianity decades ago, but didn't get into church and the Word-critical). Then, another message, that he was going to get baptised...and then, he met a lovely woman. Today, he tells me he is getting married and is honouring God in this relationship. All in space of 6 mths or so! His entire life is turned around! God is good at that!

My sis and I cry with joy. It is answered prayer and it encourages us SO much to continue on in prayer!  My back is still without discomfort and my heart is not heavy with sadness.

And we are still waiting for the arrival of our little bundle is now two days passed his ETA. Maybe tomorrow?  Good night for now

When can remember being overjoyed with your life? Your cup runneth over type thing. Love to hear your good news stories!

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