Wednesday, May 22, 2019

100 Days of Transformation- Day 90 Daily Building

Significant Others

Today, I had the pleasure of receiving some very special visitors! My bridesmaid from my first marriage in the 80s. She and her  significant other came and, like always, it's as if we had never been apart!

It's so good to have friends like that. Even if you hardly ever see each other! My friend hadn't seen my daughter Rachel since she was very little, and here she is, ready to bring her own baby #2 into the world. I hadn't seen her husband for even longer!

This is a joy, worthy of celebrating and thanksgiving.
Don't let the best things in life go by unrecognised and unappreciated :) Savour them in joy!

What special friends do you have in your life? Maybe, a little folded book would be a fun thing to send them.

More Book Making Fun

Today, I explored a folded book version of the downloadable Colour-Your-Word colour-in templates.
It's too small to colour easily when printed out on A4 paper. It folds down to A6, so would need fine tip colours. Would suit A3 well, as it would fold down to A5, but it's harder to print out A3.
Here's a picture of it before being folded up. (Right)

You can watch this You Tube video  (not my work) to show you how it folds.

I'm making these to send to some friends. They are also part of my practising for my new business. :)

I could make them with the images coloured as well. It makes a groovy alternative to just a card, letter.

Here's another one I made from water colour paintings I did of features that stood out to me at a friend's place, for whom I house/dog-sat. I then used them to make a Christmas greeting.

Fairing with Fasting

Aside from having head aches again, today was fine. Guess I'm not done with the detoxing, but I am working my way through it a day at a time, counting my way down to "0", and a healthier way of living. A Fasted Life.

My 'word' for this year is 'Daily Building'. And that's what I'm doing. Can seem tedious and slow in some ways , but it is steady and consistent and In consistency, lies the power (Gloria Copeland).

What mountain are you facing that is so overwhelming you can never even get started?
Maybe I can help you find a creative way to tackle it, on step at a time, daily building. 

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