Thursday, May 30, 2019

100 Days of Transformation-Day 82-Answered Prayer

What matters more, how you start...or how you finish?

In my book, it's all about how you end. Today was one of those days that didn't start so well, coz I had dreams that woke me up to wrong thinking. I guess you could say they revealed some of the concerns of my heart, which in turn, gives me opportunity to address those concerns with the Word.
And I did!

The Reality of Practicalities
You know what's cook about the Word??

You can do what I did, take some time to proclaim the contrasting truth  with a thankful heart-no matter how you feel-and give glory to God, like Abraham did when God told him he would become the father of many nations, even tho, he'd never been a father at all, and his wife, who had always been barren, was now 90!

Without weakening in his faith he faced the fact that his body was as good as dead-since he was about a hundred  years old-and that Sarah 's womb was also dead. Yet, he did not waiver through unbelief regarding the promise of God, but was strengthened in his faith and gave glory to God, being fully persuaded that God was able to do what He had promised. Rom 4:19-21 

Don't Go By Your Feelings, But Take The Word Of God and CHANGE the Way You Feel

So, I went for a walk, for almost an hour, pushing my granddaughter past parks and by the river, as I sang Praise and worship songs and sometimes just spoke out scripture. I was mad at myself for feeling so bummed and glum, when I have Jesus in my life and the Spirit of God living in me and Great God Almighty as my Father... and that was the moment I started speaking differently

To be honest, I didn't FEEL like I was doing a very good job at all with the praise and worship part, coz I was preoccupied with some vocal issues, and I have a new gig tomorrow.

It doesn't ALWAYS feel like something is happening in the moment you are taking action...but it catches up!

I can honestly say, that I usually DO feel, from the time I start to the time I finish speaking the Word out. And then, STUFF changes too.

Not long after we arrived back, my husband video called just to tell me to go buy myself something new and nice to wear for my gig tomorrow. I don't often take him up, but this time, I did! And it wasn't what I bought, as much as the fact that my husband, who often features in my prayers, took it upon himself to call and offer that gift. It's not unusual for him him to do it either, but at that specific time, to feel moved to go out of his way-that meant something special for me today!

Remember, one of the  rewards of fasting 'well' is that prayers are heard and answered. Actually, this is a perpetual promise of god for His children and those who seek Him in faith with their whole hearts.

So, today I finished better than I started. 
I think that is a worthy goal for EVERY day - Amen!

How was YOUR Day?? 

And a few things is always nice.  

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