Monday, May 27, 2019

100 Days of Transformation- Day 85-Back To 'Normal'

Allbeit a NEW normal.

Coz once a new baby comes home, nothing will ever be quite the same again. :) And there is something of a transition stage, with 'spot' celebrations and guests, even as a new routine comes together one day at a time.

The household is complete again. Tomorrow will be a dinner for immediate family on our side, and I'm sure the days and weeks that follow will include many others at various  times. It's been fun having special Grandma time with Pearl these few days past. <3

And yes, through it all, I continue with my Daniel Fast -which is mostly fruit and veg and nuts ( I did include very small portions of cheese on some days , and ate 3 eggs over that time, too. I am very ready for something else! lol However, this stage of my 100 days completes Sunday evening and the next phase begins, which will include more controlled portions of protein (salmon and chicken), which my sample table indicated.

Other 'New' Elements

Now that Samuel Judah has arrived ( born in the car with midwife Daddy!), I am already thinking about what comes next for me. I am here to help for  a certain number of weeks, but after that, need my own 'permanent' place and be working on the online business that I am starting in July. Naturally, these are prayer points, or should I say "confession" points, with thanksgiving.

But as I was saying yesterday, there are some categories of confession I want to cover, as part of my training in righteousness. Some people may argue that living by the righteousness that is by faith should be more fluid and less structured, but the Bible tells us to study to show ourselves approved, as those who correctly handle the Word of Truth. 2 Tim2:15

Most studies are undertaken with a disciplined base, and each field of study is actually referred to as a discipline. MY high school art teacher used to say "You need to learn the rules and about how they work, before you can a know how to bend them". Art was taught through the imitating of the masters, for the purpose of mastering their techniques.

This requires INTENTIONAL and specific, and maybe even systematic, practise. Learning to bridle one's tongue and rein in one's thoughts will ONLY happen this way. Do it with joy and thanksgiving, from the heart, by the Spirit of faith-not as some dutiful, dry, obligatory exercise of the natural will. The first way leads to powerful transformation and greater joy, but the latter to resentment and disappointment when it fails to work.

This is not the final form, but I wanted to make some kind of step toward the Weekly focus I laid out in last night's blog, the purpose to be to learn and meditate on these verses in Week 1.

In order for God' Word to transform your life, you must receive it as done and give thanks. Some things are easier than others, but all are within reach to the committed person who truly wants to believe God unto a glorious testimony.

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