Friday, May 31, 2019

100 Days of Transformation- Day 81- Just keep turning up!

Seniors Singalongs

I dressed in one of my new outfits and went along to my gig-a first time for a senior centre in Tugun, on the south end of the Gold Coast. I had a fun hour with them and altho' was well received in may ways, these guys really want a lot of singalong stuff, not just spectate- which is fine by me. I know a ton of appropriate songs to sing, but now I need to learn to play more of them. And that's fine by me , too :)

People did sing along today, but they really want to be actively engaged, so I have been scouting good material to add to my repertoire that will provide opportunity for just that.

But one of the reasons I mention this gig, is because I have had some voice issues. It is probably a combination of factors; coming through menopause, doing less with my voice over the last 3 months, steroids in inhalers being used more frequently, lower protein intake (strengthens muscle). These are all natural things, but they came together to make my speech quality fairly unstable. Over the last three days, I've noticed and tried to do some basic vocal work to help, but I was a ways off full voice and wondered if I should just pull out-not that is ever a good idea, unless you are convinced you couldn't do the job.

Still, I decided to turn up and commit to the gig. I need the work and I need the potential extra work it could lead to. In addition, I want to be singing more, and this field offers a ministerial aspect.  My point is, I'm seasoned enough to know, both in faith, and in singing, that I can pull it off if I take that step- no turning back.

And it went very well from that perspective.

Sometimes, it's just about turning up. Taking that step to show up is the action that accompanies your confession of faith. God makes up the rest.

Or as I heard someone say once;
Give it your best, 
pray that it's blessed, 
And let Jesus take care of the rest!

You don't just turn up. You commit to it.

This is the attitude of a believing believer.  I have decided to follow Jesus-no turning back. In this case, I decided to follow through on my word, and take God at His. Good choice!
Perhaps my midnight Journal preaching between 2:30-3:30 helped to set that up!

Final Days of Initial Daniel Fast

Just two more days of this stage left. Not too much will change for the next three weeks. I'm reintroducing meats: fish and chicken, but in controlled portions. Still no bread ( miss it! ), no rice, no pasta, biscuits,cakes etc. Still having lots of fruit and veggies, of course!

I have no idea what effect it has made on my weight/size. Only three weeks, and no real exercise to speak of, although, I intend to make a more concerted effort toward that now. I am using averages to credit myself with weight loss, and believe that  as long as I follow through on this process, the desired goal will be reached.

But I am using the Word to power these shifts.. "Shoulda wouldas" haven't worked.
Extrinsic motivation just isn't cutting it, coz the pain of the change has felt higher and more certain than the promise of pleasure in outcomes.
Intrinsic motivation-for my relationship with the Lord, my husband, myself, my family, church, ministry/work. I want to live a truly transformed, fasted life! Not an impotent, woosey, christian-in-name-only-one

What kind of life do YOU want to Live?

Thursday, May 30, 2019

100 Days of Transformation-Day 82-Answered Prayer

What matters more, how you start...or how you finish?

In my book, it's all about how you end. Today was one of those days that didn't start so well, coz I had dreams that woke me up to wrong thinking. I guess you could say they revealed some of the concerns of my heart, which in turn, gives me opportunity to address those concerns with the Word.
And I did!

The Reality of Practicalities
You know what's cook about the Word??

You can do what I did, take some time to proclaim the contrasting truth  with a thankful heart-no matter how you feel-and give glory to God, like Abraham did when God told him he would become the father of many nations, even tho, he'd never been a father at all, and his wife, who had always been barren, was now 90!

Without weakening in his faith he faced the fact that his body was as good as dead-since he was about a hundred  years old-and that Sarah 's womb was also dead. Yet, he did not waiver through unbelief regarding the promise of God, but was strengthened in his faith and gave glory to God, being fully persuaded that God was able to do what He had promised. Rom 4:19-21 

Don't Go By Your Feelings, But Take The Word Of God and CHANGE the Way You Feel

So, I went for a walk, for almost an hour, pushing my granddaughter past parks and by the river, as I sang Praise and worship songs and sometimes just spoke out scripture. I was mad at myself for feeling so bummed and glum, when I have Jesus in my life and the Spirit of God living in me and Great God Almighty as my Father... and that was the moment I started speaking differently

To be honest, I didn't FEEL like I was doing a very good job at all with the praise and worship part, coz I was preoccupied with some vocal issues, and I have a new gig tomorrow.

It doesn't ALWAYS feel like something is happening in the moment you are taking action...but it catches up!

I can honestly say, that I usually DO feel, from the time I start to the time I finish speaking the Word out. And then, STUFF changes too.

Not long after we arrived back, my husband video called just to tell me to go buy myself something new and nice to wear for my gig tomorrow. I don't often take him up, but this time, I did! And it wasn't what I bought, as much as the fact that my husband, who often features in my prayers, took it upon himself to call and offer that gift. It's not unusual for him him to do it either, but at that specific time, to feel moved to go out of his way-that meant something special for me today!

Remember, one of the  rewards of fasting 'well' is that prayers are heard and answered. Actually, this is a perpetual promise of god for His children and those who seek Him in faith with their whole hearts.

So, today I finished better than I started. 
I think that is a worthy goal for EVERY day - Amen!

How was YOUR Day?? 

And a few things is always nice.  

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

100 Days of Transformation- Day 83- write the vision/make it plain

Good Fit

Is 58:8-12 is a good fit as an overlay for all the things I hoped to be accomplished through this century of days. Looking back to Derek Prince's [slightly modified] list from Day 84-last night,  I can easily slot my hopes into the areas listed.

In Day 95, I made my own list and a sample table of my fasting plan. I avoided including the intercessory prayer, for various people because I didn't want to discuss personal matters that concerned others, but I will include some general statements here.

And I think I had something for most, if not all, of them!  I have added some notes beside the list elements to show how all I wanted for this fast is offered by God as a reward for fasting done in His will.
So, Is 58:8-12 is a good passage for me to take time to review daily, as it lays out God's promises for those who fast, in keeping with God's will.

  1. Light... Clarity of vision and simple singularity of purpose and direction
  2. Health (speedily)...weight loss, exercise/work out routine-wardrobe for new look
  3. Righteousness...renewed in my thinking to who I am in Christ, and who he is in me
  4. Glory...transformation in me and those whose  lives I impact, demonstrating God's might to save.
  5. Answered prayer... new home with office, income to pay for it, well ordered days- and fullness of joy, knowing where I belong and functioning there.
  6. Continual to follow the Spirit's leading and seeing God delivering me as I am obedient and for His promised Rewards to come to fruition in my life.
  7. Satisfaction & great Shepherd, Provider, and Source of Peace
  8. Strong bones...reduced inflammation and increased muscle mass
  9. Work that endures...establish and excel in new business, to have regular $$ to give into ministries-and anywhere else I desire.
  10. Repairs and Restoration...Prayers and intercession for specific people to encounter God in new and deeper ways. Prodigals come home! Broken relationships renewed. This is particularly exciting. 

  • a significant weight loss.
  • to be 1-2 sizes smaller
  • to be a lot healthier
  • to have much improved sleep quality
  • to build a signature look wardrobe
  • to have my own home and home office
  • to be excelling in my new online business
  • to have a stable routine for holistic well being
  • to love my life again
  • to know where/how I belong in the greater Body of Christ and be there!
  • to have a regular $$ giving schedule
  • to be developing fluency in French
  • to be head over heels in love with my God.

Next step is to find other supporting verses for these promises.

Come back tomorrow  for some more. Meanwhile, there is plenty here, to begin to profess mind renewing Word.
I'll be doing with you!

That's it for tonight, for me.

See what verses aptly answer your needs. Write them in the comments below. Be wonderful to hear from you..............

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

100 Days of Transformation-Day 84 Increasing Focus & Intention

Making It Count

A new 'cover art piece to go with the weekly study.
More colour to come! ( unfinished)
With each passing day, a growing conviction to make this 100 days count toward deep and lasting transformation.

That was always the goal, but the understanding of my part in that process, apart from denying myself certain kinds of eating pleasures, grows increasingly significant.

If this time is to bring about the outcomes I so desperately desire to see come to pass, I know I need to be specific and intentional about it.

To this end, yesterday, I was looking at giving each week a focus, building daily on that focus, so as to establish my heart and my thoughts upon it. Whenever my mind or emotions wander down inferior paths, to use those verses to straighten them (me) out again. It's putting them to practical use, in the moment, that develops that faith muscle.

Every new focus of subsequent weeks builds upon the ones that came before, so that a strong spiritual foundation and sturdy structure become a sound doctrine for standing upon in any situation. Not only so, but  by the end of 100 Days there is transformation evident as the power of God's Word begins to do wonderful works of grace , from the inside out.
I'm not a stranger to this process, and have witnessed glorious answers to prayer many times over, but at this stage in my life, after years of deviation, I have struggled to bring about the desired shifts I want to see in my life-elements that SHOULD be evident in my walk. 

I don't want to live an impotent 'christian' life.
I want to live sanctified and set apart-
live a fasted life
-live a transformed life.
I must see the power of God at work in and through me!

I came across a Derek Prince you tube Video on how To Fast Successfully. This man of God is such a blessing to my heart! in this video, he highlights the rewards God lays out for those who choose to fast according to the will of God.

Pretty sure this content will affect this study material I am putting together. Even though I have fumbled around these first two weeks, I think I will have some quality content to share by the end of this 100 Days. Content that can be truly beneficial to others who are serious about seeing God's ongoing transformation them from the inside out!

We 'work out' our salvation. We grow up in the Word. We are trained in righteousness. That's what it's all about: being conformed to the image of his Son, Jesus. I just want to leave you with this list of ten things from Is 58: 8-12 

Then shall your light break forth like the dawn,
and your healing shall spring up speedily;
your righteousness shall go before you;
the glory of the Lord shall be your rear guard.

Then you shall call , and the Lord will answer,
you shall cry out,and he will say "here I am"

if you take away  the yoke from your midst,
the pointing  of the finger, and speaking wickedness,

if you pour yourself out for the hungry

and satisfy the desire of the afflicted,
then shall your light rise in the darkness
and your gloom be as the noonday.

And the Lord will guide you continually

and satisfy your desire in scorched places
and make your bones strong.
and you shall be like a watered garden, 
like a spring of water
whose waters do not fail.

And your ancient ruins shall be rebuilt;

you shall raise up the foundations of many generations;
you shall be called the "Repairer of the breach,
the Restorer of streets to dwell in "

From this passage, came this list. Derek Prince drew it out of verses 8-9, 11-12., but I altered it slightly ( and I may extend it), as I wanted to include the strong bones ( I need that! So, do many post menopausal women. And happily, it isn't the only verse to promise it!) Here is the list of promised outcomes when we fast according to the will of God.
When the work is done, templates to colour will be included :) 4.glory 5.Answered prayer
6.Continual guidance

7.Satisfaction & Refreshing

8. Strong bones

9.Work that endures
10. Restoration 

As it turns out, this list pretty much sums up what I listed for myself! All that hoped for can basically fit into these categories of blessings!
So.. I will pick up from here the mean time,

how can you see this list transforming your life? How do you think your might life look if all of these 'rewards' manifested as promised?

p.s. sorry, don't know what's going on with my formatting, but after a number of  efforts, I am too tired to fix it tonight!

Monday, May 27, 2019

100 Days of Transformation- Day 85-Back To 'Normal'

Allbeit a NEW normal.

Coz once a new baby comes home, nothing will ever be quite the same again. :) And there is something of a transition stage, with 'spot' celebrations and guests, even as a new routine comes together one day at a time.

The household is complete again. Tomorrow will be a dinner for immediate family on our side, and I'm sure the days and weeks that follow will include many others at various  times. It's been fun having special Grandma time with Pearl these few days past. <3

And yes, through it all, I continue with my Daniel Fast -which is mostly fruit and veg and nuts ( I did include very small portions of cheese on some days , and ate 3 eggs over that time, too. I am very ready for something else! lol However, this stage of my 100 days completes Sunday evening and the next phase begins, which will include more controlled portions of protein (salmon and chicken), which my sample table indicated.

Other 'New' Elements

Now that Samuel Judah has arrived ( born in the car with midwife Daddy!), I am already thinking about what comes next for me. I am here to help for  a certain number of weeks, but after that, need my own 'permanent' place and be working on the online business that I am starting in July. Naturally, these are prayer points, or should I say "confession" points, with thanksgiving.

But as I was saying yesterday, there are some categories of confession I want to cover, as part of my training in righteousness. Some people may argue that living by the righteousness that is by faith should be more fluid and less structured, but the Bible tells us to study to show ourselves approved, as those who correctly handle the Word of Truth. 2 Tim2:15

Most studies are undertaken with a disciplined base, and each field of study is actually referred to as a discipline. MY high school art teacher used to say "You need to learn the rules and about how they work, before you can a know how to bend them". Art was taught through the imitating of the masters, for the purpose of mastering their techniques.

This requires INTENTIONAL and specific, and maybe even systematic, practise. Learning to bridle one's tongue and rein in one's thoughts will ONLY happen this way. Do it with joy and thanksgiving, from the heart, by the Spirit of faith-not as some dutiful, dry, obligatory exercise of the natural will. The first way leads to powerful transformation and greater joy, but the latter to resentment and disappointment when it fails to work.

This is not the final form, but I wanted to make some kind of step toward the Weekly focus I laid out in last night's blog, the purpose to be to learn and meditate on these verses in Week 1.

In order for God' Word to transform your life, you must receive it as done and give thanks. Some things are easier than others, but all are within reach to the committed person who truly wants to believe God unto a glorious testimony.

Sunday, May 26, 2019

100 Days of Transformation-Day 86-Highs, Lows & Intentional Focus


Our little baby boy, Samuel Judah Puru, is travelling very nicely-as are mum and dad. All three are remaining in the hospital for another night to enjoy their little bit of quiet.
Meanwhile, Grandma and Nuno are looking after Baby Pearl and the home front.


The fast continues...this is the two week mark and that leaves something like 12. weeks to go! I'm not focusing on the time left to go. In fact, knowing that there is still so much time reassures me that all that I hope to come to pass, will. And I fully anticipate being in a totally different state to the one I'm in now, when that time comes.

After the highs of the last 36 hours, it contrasts against the lows through which I have been navigating-stirring all those emotions again. I am getting better at remembering God's promises in the moment, but I am pretty sure that I will, before I'm done, come up with a far more systematic way to take God's admonishment and apply it across the board, unto freedom in every area.

The Whole Point

I  want to reiterate again the purpose and intention behind this entire endeavour: to establish my heart in, and renew my mind to, God's promises regarding each and every area of my life. And, in the process, heal and make whole every bit of me that's broken or bent.

His divine power has granted to us all things pertaining to life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him who called us to His own glory and  excellence, by which he has granted to us His precious and very great promises, so that through them you may become partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world because of evil desire. 2 Pet:1:3-4 

 This is not as simple as knowing what scripture says. Any parrot can quote a memory verse! No, this is about the Word becoming flesh again in MY body, YOUR body. It is about KNOWING the Word as the truth of your experience. Knowing BEING experiencing. 

The thing is, it's not going to happen automatically. I could fast for 100 days and be NO better off in any lasting way at all. It must be mixed with the Word and with faith.

Diligence is required to live a transformed life.

God's Part , Our Part

When we are born again, God gives us a new spirit and a new heart. That's quite something! A spirit made alive to God, quickened by His own through the incorruptible seed of His Word, when we believe. ( Ez 11:19 , Ez 36:26-27). That;'s God's part.

Our part is to meditate on His word and renew our mind to His thoughts and ways, Josh 1:8, Ps 1: 1-3, Rom 12:1-2 
All three of these verses, along with countless more, testify to the necessity of meditating on God's Word, in order to be ABLE to walk ion obedience to it. Since obedience is an act of faith, and we are called to the obedience that comes from faith (Rom 1:5),  it is something that can ONLY be done, via the Spirit...and not vain, natural effort.

This hundred days will count for nothing, if all I do is deny myself certain pleasures, with no serious effort to change the way I think in the areas that are less than God says they should be. Areas where my thinking is revealed as being inconsistent with what God says.

It starts with a commitment to God's Word and accepting His promises as THE FINAL WORD about everything.
Week 1: God's Word is final and ultimate authority. Cast aside all else.
Week 2: God's Word comes with promises of blessings now and in eternity for the believer who      receives it.
Week 3: God's Word must be higher in your thoughts, than any other thought- takes constant meditation and diligence.
Week 4: God's Word regarding His Promised salvation
Week 5: God's Word on What Salvation includes.
Week 6: God's Word on Provision-Jehovah Jireh GEN 22:13-14
Week 7: God's Word on  Health and healing and miracles of healings-Jehovah Rapha Ex 15:26
Week 8: God's Word on Victory- Jehovah Nissi  EX 17:8-15
Week 9: God's Word on Peace- Jehovah Shalom JUD 6:24
Week 10: God's Word on Shepherding Us-Jehovah Ra-ah  PSALM 23:1
Week 11: God's Word on  Righteousness-Jehovah Tsidkenu JER 23:6
Week 12: God's Word on Being Present -Jehovah Shammah Ex 48:35
Week 13: God's Word on Prayer, Praise and Thanksgiving
Week 14: God's Word on Worship
Final Two Days God's Word on Fullness of Joy

So, I am thinking, what about I put together a 100 Day Devotional! If it helps me, perhaps it could help someone else too!

How would YOU like something like that? 

Saturday, May 25, 2019

100 Days of Transformation- Day 87 Blessings abound!

May 25, 2019
At 2:42am, our little long awaited bundle arrived in a hurry, after making us wait an extra 6 days!
Little Boy, named to be confirmed, couldn't wait for the hospital after all that, and was delivered in the about a kilometre away from home!

But oh! He is perfect! Squishy face and all.

No photos yet... not till mama and papa have released their own public announcement. I have been Grandma on duty  for Pearl , who is now the 'big sis'-and what a cute and wonderful start she has made to that, with wanting to kiss and snuggle and cuddle and squish her new little baby brother!
In the meantime, one of my little grandbaby girl,
after her big morning
meeting her sweet , brand new, sibling.

She has also been a well behaved girl for Grandma. :)

So, today has been an eventful and full day, following after a night of only two single hours sleep at either end of  four hours of wakefulness.There isn't much news that can follow a car birth!

But I will say, I felt bored with my vegetable diet today...looking forward to something different. It will be another week before I make those kind of changes, so just want to keep the confessions up and the prayers , worship and thanksgiving, real and increasingly constant.

I am calculating the benefits, by faith, not by a tape measure, nor by scales, but by the desired ends I fully commit to bring to fruition, divided by the 100 days it takes to get there-and that is most encouraging.

I'll be back tomorrow, with my two week catch up! Till then,
here is my 'takeaway point'.
Takeaway Point
Review your genuine, heart felt and heart moving desires. Are you utilising God's Word to entrust them fully to God AND keep you on track of a guaranteed outcome regarding them? Do you want/or need help with finding promises?

Write!I'd love to hear from you and for you to share your story!
Really must sleep Now!.. Dozing off repeatedly, even as I sit here! lol
In this household, we are full of rejoicing! Hallelujah!


Friday, May 24, 2019

100 Days of Transformation- Day 88-Promises Broken and Promises Eternally Bound


...was a pleasant day, but also another day of cycling through my sorrow. Another round of coming to the reality about what is and won't be. I think the hardest part about any kind of grief, is the loss of the future hope it offered. And rejection, should it be part of it, the deepest sting.

Now, the future is not the one I had been investing my heart, or all my efforts, into. Now, it is an unknown thing again. And I am facing it alone again.

Truth is, the future, other than within the parameters of the promises of God, has always been a mystery. It has never been a specific guaranteed outcome. The details never a certainty. It's always a progressive unfolding. And in a way, it is both, always faced singularly and yet, never utterly alone, because Jesus promised He would never leave us (Mat 28:20) nor forsake us.  Heb 13:5, Deut 31:6

But we do like to have some God with skin on , as my friend, Lee-Anne used to say. I am certainly NOT short of lovely relationships and people who love me. I am truly blessed.

Plus, we have the promise regarding our future, even if we don't have the details.

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord.
 Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, to give a hope and a future. Jer 29:11

That's where the focus has to go, so the Word can deliver the healing that is encapsulated in it. So that thoughts can be taken captive and made obedient ( II Cor 10:5 )
It is amazing too, that the gift of life, soon to come in the form of a newborn, is a wonderful remedy for loss, carrying renewed hope and promise.

Don't let the promises, broken by people, keep you from believing in the promises made by God.
He is faithful.

Looking Ahead...

The Apostle Paul, in Philippians said it like this:
...This one thing I do, forgetting what lies behind, and straining forward to what lies ahead. I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus Phil 3:13 (b)-14
The Lord spoke personal promises to my heart at the beginning of this year. This is a form of joy set before me, and I believe the word of power  designed to carry me over and through. God's Word CONTAINS the power to accomplish itself. It never returns void.

So shall my word be that goes out of my mouth;
it shall not return to me empty,
but it shall accomplish that which I purpose,
and shall succeed in the things for which I sent it. IS 55: 11


This picks up from yesterday and the principle of driving transformation by meditating upon that Word-using it in proclamation to power change and growth and renewal-even miracles! Taking hold of it in your heart, by keeping it in your mouth and keeping it in your thoughts because they overflow from your heart.

Have failed promises devastated your joy and hope?

Let me know your need and I will share God's promises and pray for you.
"The time for mourning is over: Rejoice!
-The season of singing has come"  

A word the Lord gave me just a few weeks ago!And the transformational fast continues...

Thursday, May 23, 2019

100 Days of Transformation-Day 89-Peace

Woo Hoooooooo!!
We are in the 80s!

Today, in my prayer time, I felt the Lord re-affirm the Daily Building precept He spoke to my heart back in January. The Word for me, for this year is DAILY BUILDING. I was reminded that I am not merely fasting for the sake of fasting, but that I have specific intentions and outcomes in mind.

(Oh and the headaches from fasting coffee and sugar have subsided again... still no lower back/nerve issues or ankle problems either. Overall, feeling nicely peaceful and productive.)

Find The Promises You Need
The Lord impressed upon my heart that I need to be clear about these goals and be speaking over them every day, so as to establish my heart in His promises regarding them. In this way, I am not fasting and simply hoping things will change, but I am actively building myself up in my most holy faith to experience the fruition of those promises.

This is the principle of consistency. It isn't just about days passing. It is about them accruing value and leading to exponential growth. And this takes place on multiple levels across an array of fields.

For example, it happens in both the seen and unseen levels- spiritual and carnal.

Blessed is the man
who walks not in the counsel of the wicked,
nor stands in the way of sinners,
nor sits in the seat of scoffers;

but his delight is in the law of the Lord,
and on his law he meditates day and night.

He is like a tree
planted by streams of water
that yields its fruit in its season,
and its leaf does not wither.
In all that he does, he prospers. Psalm 1:1-3

This is one of God's guarantees and it's repeated in Josh 1:8

This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success. Josh 1:8
If you stand on the Word that stands forever, you will see it come to pass, as it is promised.
It also happens, in different areas at the same time, such as material provision, health,
renewing the mind, witty ideas for businesses, wisdom for relationships, training in righteousness, etc

  My son, be attentive to my words;
incline your ear to my sayings.
21 Let them not escape from your sight;
keep them within your heart.
22 For they are life to those who find them,
and healing to all their flesh.
23 Keep your heart with all vigilance,
for from it flow the springs of life.
24 Put away from you crooked speech,
and put devious talk far from you.
25 Let your eyes look directly forward,
and your gaze be straight before you.
26 Ponder the path of your feet;
then all your ways will be sure.
27 Do not swerve to the right or to the left;
turn your foot away from evil. Prov 4:20-27

This describes an exceedingly dedicated attitude to the Word, plus the promises for Life if you adhere to them. Renewing the mind and establishing the heart make following God are much easier thing to do. You can't do this in your strength. This is why we fast and pray. So, God will do what only He can do in our lives, circumstances and relationships!

Use Your Words
The Bible says that Jesus is the High Priest over our confession of faith. AS long as our words agree with His words, He makes sure it is done!
Therefore, holy brothers, you who share in a heavenly calling, consider Jesus, the apostle and high priest of our confession, Heb 3:1 And Jesus also said,

If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, you will ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you. Jn 15:7
So Jesus said to the Jews who had believed him, “If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” Jn 8:31-32

I am absolutely in this fast for the freedom!

It was for freedom that Christ set us free; therefore keep standing firm and do not be subject again to a yoke of slavery.
Gal 5:1
Which Anointing Are You Counting On?
These are just some of the promises I can be speaking out over myself every day, so that my heart becomes immovable! I know what it is to do this and bring transformation to my life, out of walking in the anointing that abides within. We all have that!
The anointing that comes upon for ministry is as the Spirit wills, so its better to learn how to walk in the anointing that dwells within for our own well being.

Today's Takeaway

If you are believing God's promises for anything, speak them out in faith, fill your eyes, ears, mouth and heart with them  and change the default so that you will hide in His Truth whenever things turn sour- and STAND.

No matter how you feel about it, God's way is the perfect way to handle every situation, so find out what He says about yours

Do you have a situation you would like to know God's promises for , so you can set your faith on them instead of the natural?

Leave a comment and I'd be happy to help.
Good night for now. :)

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

100 Days of Transformation- Day 90 Daily Building

Significant Others

Today, I had the pleasure of receiving some very special visitors! My bridesmaid from my first marriage in the 80s. She and her  significant other came and, like always, it's as if we had never been apart!

It's so good to have friends like that. Even if you hardly ever see each other! My friend hadn't seen my daughter Rachel since she was very little, and here she is, ready to bring her own baby #2 into the world. I hadn't seen her husband for even longer!

This is a joy, worthy of celebrating and thanksgiving.
Don't let the best things in life go by unrecognised and unappreciated :) Savour them in joy!

What special friends do you have in your life? Maybe, a little folded book would be a fun thing to send them.

More Book Making Fun

Today, I explored a folded book version of the downloadable Colour-Your-Word colour-in templates.
It's too small to colour easily when printed out on A4 paper. It folds down to A6, so would need fine tip colours. Would suit A3 well, as it would fold down to A5, but it's harder to print out A3.
Here's a picture of it before being folded up. (Right)

You can watch this You Tube video  (not my work) to show you how it folds.

I'm making these to send to some friends. They are also part of my practising for my new business. :)

I could make them with the images coloured as well. It makes a groovy alternative to just a card, letter.

Here's another one I made from water colour paintings I did of features that stood out to me at a friend's place, for whom I house/dog-sat. I then used them to make a Christmas greeting.

Fairing with Fasting

Aside from having head aches again, today was fine. Guess I'm not done with the detoxing, but I am working my way through it a day at a time, counting my way down to "0", and a healthier way of living. A Fasted Life.

My 'word' for this year is 'Daily Building'. And that's what I'm doing. Can seem tedious and slow in some ways , but it is steady and consistent and In consistency, lies the power (Gloria Copeland).

What mountain are you facing that is so overwhelming you can never even get started?
Maybe I can help you find a creative way to tackle it, on step at a time, daily building. 

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

100 Days of transformation- Day 91

Hey all!

Today, I was just so full of joy that we have a born again , Spirit filled Prime Minister-and he was voted in by a good majority! Even the media have dubbed ScoMo, Scott Morrison,  The Miracle Man.
I reckon it's gonna stick, too!

I have this enormous sense of glorious things to come. It's commonly believed, among the spirit-led believers, that the time of the end is so close and all of the political shifting around is about God setting the stage for a final sweep for souls before the end of life on earth as we have known it.

Transformation is everywhere, not just in and around me, but all over the world! And I am so glad, and grateful, to be riding the wave. Were it not for the grace of God, I could easily have missed it.

In keeping with this theme, I would like to share a song I wrote and recorded, that I believe is for this hour.
It's called There's A Cry ( The Anthem) and you can listen to it, here.

Please let me know if you have a listen, and what you think. If you like it, I can arrange a copy for you. 

Music And Art

I spent time doing music and art today. Prepared for the worship for the prayer meeting tonight and made a Printable. Also known as a Freebie. It was a small "Colour-Your-Word" Colour-in booklet

I haven't actually set it up to be downloaded yet, but it's contents are on the cover. ( left) I want to tweak it a little. I've also made a folded book version with an A4 print out, but it's pretty small for colouring. (A6), so I am considering how I can improve it.

These designs are images I've created for members of my family or myself, but could be fun for others too.

This is also all part of the new business I am kicking off in July, called Learning With Lisa Online. The nature of this business is built on 'content marketing'- or, giving away a lot of  quality stuff, generating a reliable name. The idea is that people who benefit from what you do and use it, will become those who want more of it. And as the content creator, my job is always to find out how I can do more for these people.

My 'school' is all about creativity. How to become more creative, think more creatively, and use those skills to increase the quality of life and relationships through various projects. It is also aimed, at least for now, at the baby boomer generation of women who love the idea of bonding creatively with family and friends.

Keeping On

The fasting continues...although, it has had a few challenging moments, when I REALLY wanted a cup of coffee, or some toast with vegemite! lol But being a spiritual fast, rather than a natural one, that self denial is part of the power in it. Trust me, I wouldn't do it, just to lose weight. But to have prayer objectives, and peoples' lives weighing in your heart, gives you a greater incentive. And because I am seeing so much 'fruit' from previous prayer and fasting, I am further bolstered.

My little brother, so dear to me, in recent months, sent me a message out of the blue, whilst I was still in  California. In summary, he said  that he was recommitting himself to Jesus ( He had tried Christianity decades ago, but didn't get into church and the Word-critical). Then, another message, that he was going to get baptised...and then, he met a lovely woman. Today, he tells me he is getting married and is honouring God in this relationship. All in space of 6 mths or so! His entire life is turned around! God is good at that!

My sis and I cry with joy. It is answered prayer and it encourages us SO much to continue on in prayer!  My back is still without discomfort and my heart is not heavy with sadness.

And we are still waiting for the arrival of our little bundle is now two days passed his ETA. Maybe tomorrow?  Good night for now

When can remember being overjoyed with your life? Your cup runneth over type thing. Love to hear your good news stories!

Monday, May 20, 2019

100 Days of Transformation-Day 92

Beautiful midnight view .
Good evening all!

Monday May 20, and my daughter, who was officially due yesterday, is still pregnant. lol
So, we are all ready for a sudden call to action!

This moon shot, tho very grainy, was taken the other  night, from my window. The moon slides away to its daytime abode via an arc that fills my room with lunar glory.

The heavens declare your glory, Oh God...
Ps 19:1-3 I love watching the sky and seeing His handiwork and enjoying all that the Lord has created.
Today was exciting, because I saw some developments in the relief of nerve related issues in my lower back due to inflammation. I awoke feeling free in lower spine, no stretching and yawning, just to ping back to upright because of a sudden "zing!" from a pinched nerve.

The joy of the Lord has been bringing strength and comfort and support and His grace is at work in situations.

I am confident that the Lord led me into this fast from the purpose of establishing fully in His Way and not my, and that inspirational choices in the natural, spawned by the spiritual intimacy and fellowship, will lead me back to a healthier state, inside and out -and, in addition, to a suitable home and set up.
This is work only God can do!

And I am praying that, in every way, God does what only He can do-above beyond even what we would think to pray. Can't wait to share more and more testimonies

Week II Agenda
My prayer points are for my husband, so far away in the US and for my daughter, so close to delivering her second baby. For the leaders of the nations, ours, Israel's and US's in particular and for the poor in Pakistan, India and Tanzania, who are doing their best to share the gospel and help the widows, orphans and homeless. The rest is as the Spirit leads.

I am continuing the same fast at this point, which is, F& V plus egg, and some cheese sometimes- and I hope to see less and less of any inflammatory caused issues.

I will also say, not having coffee, it is a hard call to stay awake and write these blogs! It takes me ages coz I keep dozing off even as I type! I would like to bring me to them , tho, so maybe I will start doing them a bit earlier.

Hope you are going as well as I am :)

Do you have any testimonies to share of God's goodness in your life? You open the way for more of his blessing ( including peace, love, righteousness and joy) when you magnify the victories H'es already granted.
Share with us!

Time for bed!   Good night!

Sunday, May 19, 2019

100 Days of Transformation- Days 94-93

Rest and Revive- Saturday

I thought I would take a day of in wrap up about the weekend in one post.

Saturday ( yesterday), was Federal Election Day, which is also one of the prayer points of this past week of fasting- and God heard and answered our prayers!
Today, we celebrate having the first Pentecostal Prime Minister!! Voted in by our own democratic process! This is one very glorious outcome of my 100 Days of transformation. :)

I did a little work yesterday, but mostly had a day off.
Everything was better in me and my world. I op-shopped ( thrift store) and found three satisfying items (bearing in mind my wardrobe goal from last post), bought my grandbaby a tea set that she absolutely loves and finally found some push pins to use on my notice board.

Grateful Heart

All these may seem like rather trivial things, but they each brought me great joy and stirred within me, a full and thankful heart. I even experienced a release in the area that has brought heart ache, so felt even better!And when our hearts are full and thankful, life is GOOD!

What small pleasure did you last time to enjoy? And I mean, relish deeply! Milk it for all it's worth! 

It's important to make habit of being thankful for so many reasons:
1. Makes you feel good
2. Opens the way for more
3. Shows God you trust Him
4. Cant complain at the same time
5. You're more fun to be around
6. Better for your health, mental and physical
7. God is good and worthy of your thanks and praise, even when you don't feel like it.
8. Stands guard over your Spirit led/ Word based prayers.


I was asked at the last minute to lead the worship, from the keys, with a three piece. I was a little anxious, but believe God only provides opportunities as the good works He prepared for me to do. I agreed so long as my daughter wasn't giving birth (she is due today!)

The morning service was amazing! It went very well and most importantly, God showed up! I was asked to lead again this evening, and the pastor, who has been undergoing a phenomenal shift in this area, led the whole church in free worship. I have never seen this pastor do that in all the years I've known him. It's another incredible working of grace!

What occurrences have you let slip by without acknowledging their significance as blessings? It feels so good to say 'thank you' for each one! You realise how good you've got it!

I share this, because although perhaps a little harder to see from outside my psyche, I connect all these things with my fasting and prayer too. God is moving me into the place He wants me to  be.
I am continuing with the Daniel Fast I mentioned in Day 100 and doing fine.

I am far too tired to stay up any longer, and given a baby may decide to come at any moment, I am gong to sleep!
See you tomorrow!

And in case, you're wondering, my daughter hasn't given birth yet! ;)

Friday, May 17, 2019

100 days of Transformation-Day 95 Roller-coasters & Bridges

Hi Everyone.

Today was a heavier day -and not because of my weight! lol

When something hurts and we grieve, the process heals in cycles. We come through a dark place, into the light, and feel great, only to find ourselves plummeting, yet again, into a spiral dive!
So much for getting off early! lol

Reality kicked in again. And kicked me in the guts-basically.
We resist the acceptance of something because the pain of it is just more than we think we can bear. We even argue that letting go of hope is admitting defeat and giving up.
In spite of ourselves, each day adds up to slow but steady resignation.

The thing with emotional roller-coasters, you just gotta ride 'em out sometimes.
I take the Word and proclaim it. That may or may not change my feelings right away-but it does go to work. It will bring change when I do it  from my heart. It gives me strength for the moment in which I need it.

Yes, I'm gonna have to do it again. But each time, cycling through again- I draw closer to the healing of my broken heart. (Just writing that brought tears.)
Stopping for  a good sob.

Moving Along

100 days is a long time just to talk about this stuff...tedious at best-especially if no one else joins in!

So, today, I also wanted to share a bit more about some of my hopes for this 100 days.
Here are some of the things I anticipate as part of my new reality. Whilst I haven't created a fixed structure for this time, I do have some mental milestones, and maybe sharing those here will secure them with even greater certainty.

At the conclusion of these 100 days, I expect:
  • a significant weight loss.
  • to be 1-2 sizes smaller
  • to be a lot healthier
  • to have much improved sleep quality
  • to build a signature look wardrobe
  • to have my own home and home office
  • to be excelling in my new online business
  • to have a stable routine for holistic well being
  • to love my life again
  • to know where/how I belong in the greater Body of Christ and be there!
  • to have a regular $$ giving schedule
  • to be developing fluency in French
  • to be head over heels in love with my God.
The timeline for all these things is to be built into this 100 period.
So far, week one has been:

Physical focus:
Start a Daniel Fast and move back in with my daughter and family.Conclusion of Course. Conclusion of an old life.

Mental focus:

Take captive every thought and make it obedient to Christ. Trust God's Word beyond my feelings.
Bring my pain to God in prayer for myself and others (and the election) and exchange it for His promise and His peace. Amen.

Looking Ahead
Now, that Week 1 is drawing to a close, how do I want to approach Week Two??
Asking myself that question led to making this table which simplifies the process.
There is just one step between where I am and where I want to be: How I am going to get there!
That's where daily building my bridge comes in!

I decided to make myself a table. I hadn't thought about this much before now, but this is pretty cool.
I do have a disclaimer...This journey is far more internal than external. Qualitative rather than purely quantative. But it can be much harder to measure qualitative specifically.

A question for you.

If you were thinking about where you'd like to be in 100 days, what are the types of things you would like to see come to pass??
Here is a link to a blank table for you to play with.

Thursday, May 16, 2019

100 Days of Transformation-Day 96

Today was so full, it felt as long as two days!
Not in a bad, dragging kind of way-just full.

Congratulations In Order!

My lovely son and I. He's the baby ( 26) :)
So, today, my son Matthew, and I finished our course. He's all done, but I have a few last bits to complete. It looks like he will get to kick off on May 30, but I get about 6 weeks more (July 11) to get my work organised-which is most helpful!

It feels good to be seeing the end of the beginning! lol

And I 'm quite happy to have my Wed/Thur back too!

Fast Food

Now, today felt quite good. Didn't really crave anything or give much thought to food, other than to mentally consider the fact that I am fasting -finally! It took me literally MONTHS to get to the place where I felt ready to give up my daily joys.

Food had been my comfort. Coffee, too. Although, I think I generally eat quite moderately, I really just don't need much! Plus, thoughts of food and body image had just begun to consume way to much mental 'air' time.
The Lord gave me grace last Sunday to kick off my fast and with each passing day, I grow stronger. :)


Not to be too graphic, but some of the changes I am and have been experiencing include: no gas or bloating,  sleeping for longer hours at a time ( a BIG deal!) and the head-aches seem to have subsided. I had some through the day, but they are all gone, now. It feels good to NOT have a bloated belly at the end of each day.

Oh, and I am struggling to write this. as I keep dropping off to sleep, even as I sit here, typing!

In other areas, such as my emotional condition and causative circumstance: not ready to talk yet.  I had some flat, empty places earlier in the day, but things improved. I do my best, at these times to use God's promises to hold me and I saw a fat arc of rainbow today, in the eastern sky-so vivid and wide. IT served as reminder that God is faithful to His promises.
I stopped to enjoy it and send a photo of it to my husband, Larrie.
This picture doesn't, in the least , do it justice!

I had to go to Tugun and submit some original documents for a Senior Centre that booked me for a gig on May 31. I had been trying to get that done for a couple of weeks, so it felt like a major milestone to tick off my list!

I visited Possum and Ben Possum this eve (my eldest daughter and her fiance) and enjoyed a lovely impromptu visit. As I was talking with these two, I actually saw a difference in myself, and reflecting on it further, after I left, I appreciated that development even more.
I AM getting somewhere!

Moving Ahead

The thought I'd like to leave you with today is not to give up. I know we can get so tired of trying, so weary of pushing on. The path forward can seem daunting and just way too demanding, but if you just turn up every day, and do whatever you can, you will get through...

Because...GOD is faithful and in due time, He will bring you forth as gold, if you hold to His word, and faint not. He gives sweet morsels along the way, too-if we give Him the chance.

His peace transcends ALL understanding and guards our hearts and minds, restoring our souls.
Phil 4:6-7
My prayer for you today, is that you experience this peace, no matter the storm.

Feel free to let me know of a time when you cried out for God, and He gave you deep, and unwavering, peace.

Til tomorrow... :)

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

100 Days of Transformation-Day 97

Well, greetings!

This evening finds me in a very different space.
I awoke and pondered some of my favourite Scriptures on 'rest' and 'peace'. I want to sustain a walk in that 'rest of faith' of which we read in Hebrews.
Some of these verses are Heb 6:19, Mt 11:28-30, Phil 4:6-8, Is 30:15, Is 32:17 and Ps 46:10.
When I carry these in my heart, God's grace enables me to experience the truth of faith that is a rest.

Having completed my first three days (and counting) of  my Daniel Fast (see First day). There were still head-aches, although they did disappear for a while. Apparently, sugar withdrawals can led to head-aches and feeling down.

I'm sure all kinds of withdrawals do! lol

A Good Day

The day was underway early, as I had to leave and attend a course I'm doing. Tomorrow is the last day. It's been fun doing it with my youngest son. We are both wanting to get new businesses off the ground and the course is to help us get the best start.

I always do the 'mum thing' and take a healthy lunch for us. I didn't have the wrap with ham, but shared the salad and coleslaw. Today, I added a little cheese (<30gms) and a boiled egg, along with my. The worst of wanting to have something other than what I was committed to seemed to have passed today.

I visited a close friend after-ward. We shared a coffee .It was the first coffee in three days and the last again, for a while. We laughed, I cried and we talked. It was a good visit. :)

I have arrived at the end of this day feeling good emotionally.
My circumstances haven't altered, but I know an internal work is bringing forth fruit. This is why I love walking with the Lord. If we will but take our pain to Him, He will give us rest.
Come unto me all you who labour and are heavy laden and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light. Mt 11:28-30 


Daily Credits

Before I started this adventure, I decided that each day I walk it out, I will credit myself with certain rewards-by faith. This simply means I count to my record an incremental amount of my desired outcomes. I am a little reluctant to say just yet what that is, coz some may think me foolish. However, I will say that today, it did excite me!
Having come through the initial valley of sorrow ( The cause of which I am yet to divulge), today I am experiencing the pleasure of making progress. There may well be other valleys...but that one is behind me. :)

What About You?
Can you think of a time when , in the midst of drama, God gave you supernatural peace?
Why not share here and encourage others with your testimony? :)

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

100 Days of Transformation- Day 98

Praise In The Valley!
Today began and ended with prayer and praise- so that is a very good thing!
Coming into God's presence, where we can be restored is everything!

Side Effects

Apparently, it is not uncommon to get head-aches when fasting, or eating in a cleansing kind of way.
Yesterday, I had a little bit of a head-ache, but today, it's been persistent. I would love to have had a good coffee lol! Just for the psychological value!

I am doing this 100 days because I believe it's going to bring me through to a new place of freedom. Freedom in the Lord, freedom in my body, freedom in my heart and freedom in my thinking.

Feeling My Way?
Even tho I don't know all that I am going to do in this 100 days, I do trust I will be led by the Holy Spirit and He will give me wisdom. It's hard to explain the dichotomy of being led by the Spirit, in  spite of one's flesh and actually be fruitful apart from the feelings.

For example, today, I felt kinda sluggish and lack lustre and experiencing a general sense of being a failure. Our emotions can be our biggest weight.
I beat up on myself for not being further along some road to...whatever expected of a woman in her mid 50s.  It didn't feel like freedom!

God's More Sure Word.
But I also have the abiding comfort, that it is passing.
That's what God's Word does for you. It is the anchor to our soul for just such a time as this.  And I know, during the process, that some days, when it comes to healing, or simply growing, are just 'blah!'. But they are carrying us, one day closer to our hoped for dawning.
One less sleep...

 For all the crappy feelings, I still accomplished a task that I had been trying to get done for over a week.  I also painted, rather hurriedly, a few of the Mother's Day cards I made, coz I want to share them with some special people.

And I still have good and precious people and pleasant circumstances to be thankful for. I am not desiring to complain at all...just share the journey.

This is a card I designed that causes the flowers to 'grow' as you open it.
I am happy to share the template for it, if you would like to try making it too.

So.. how was your day, today?