Sunday, July 28, 2019

100 Days of Transformation-Days 24-23-Not Long Now

A Pleasant Weekend

After a rather challenging week, the weekend brought a return to work ( for a 4 hour shift), a family event, half a Sunday of fellowship, some unpacking of boxes ( yes, still more) and a walk through some of my favourite hand made books from as far back as a couple of decades ago.

A double page spread from one of my 'art books'  ( 1999) made with family photos collaged into a second hand book.
(No Photoshop then-but I loved tactile collage!)

This shot really doesn't do justice to the effect they achieved.
The event last night, was my eldest hosting a concert. My daughter, Sarah and her fiance, Ben, do everything with excellence for these occasions.
Stars rolled across the backdrop.
I loved having so much of my family there and being part of it. <3 <3 <3
It reassured me and made my heart thankful to know I am where I should be-in spite of the hard decisions it's taken to re-settle here at home.

Sunday Eve

Another week has passed and Week 11 has wound up, Week 12 is kicking off. This week, like the last two, has the simple emphasis of the same 16:8, fasting to eating, ratio. The last week of no bread, pasta, rice etc...Woohooooo! Seriously looking forward to some vegemite toast!

I don't know how much of the other I will have. I don't imagine going back to large amounts of these. They just won't be altogether banned. It will take an adjustment again, just to include them. I will still do the 16:8.

I was reflecting again today, on how the 'work' seems to be increasingly, intensely internal. This had to happen, given the primary outcomes hoped for are predominantly internal. I summed them up as basically shedding the weights of the past. Things I had picked up in travels over years that were not conducive to a fruitful life in God-less healthy eating habits, bad thinking habits, poor sleeping habits (which wasn't as simple as me choosing to stay up late).

Yes, I wanted to make a bit more progress with my physical goals, but if the internal rudder is correctly set, these things will be the eventual outcomes as well.

But also, to clear the slate of old versions of God's vision for the rest of my days. I realised I haven't had a clear vision for a long time, and that's because I have spent  a couple of decades fumbling around in the fog that grew out of hardening my heart toward God.

Thank God, He brought me Home to Him! I believe this 100 days is a re-consecration to Him and subsequent re-alignment with His purpose for my life. It has brought some heart wrenching tearing down of strong emotional ties, but I know anything that He intends for me, will pass through death and be restored to me, pure. All else will fall away.

Once the foundation is squarely and deeply re-set, He can build anew.
He did speak to my heart in January, telling me this year would be the end of debt and clearing of the slate to a level field that will be ready for quick and significant growth. Considering this, I feel on track! Wow! That's a revelation! AND a comfort! lol

So.. that's where I am today-and preparing to write a very cool e-book on making books, but more on that next time!

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