Monday, July 22, 2019

100 Days of Transformation-Days 31-29-God Is Faithful.

A Big Weekend.

Yes, it most certainly was!

I was very busy, getting everything I needed together and set up for this workshop to be ready.
And from all who came and the feedback I had, it went very well. I hoped for between 6 and 10 attendees and had 8- pretty perfect!
 One comment said...

"Thank you Lisa was a lovely day, very inspirational,love what you’re doing,most enjoyable,gave me the kick start I needed,spent the rest of the day walking around listening to music and taking photos of flowers beautiful beaches and nature. Sharon xxx yesterday's workshop on Creativity."

Many learnt a lot and left inspired. My son video-ed it, so I can review the content, re-purpose content, transcribe it and grow through it all. This is the warehouse Haul Media hovers above. 

I took the opportunity, after it was over, to visit some friends I hadn't been able to get to for weeks, and then had to drop off chairs, so ended up home after 6:30 p.m. Another long day-and I just wanted to stay off my computer. Sunday, I went to church, which was wonderful, as usual, and then had lunch with two good friends...arriving home around 3:30 p.m. at which point, exhaustion set in!

Having been burning the candle at both ends for a few weeks, I could feel myself giving in to less than the best symptoms.

A New Perspective

Apart from my workshop, teaching people how to cultivate a mental head space to generate new ideas, I was introduced to one! It was concerning that personal heart matter, and it certainly did shine the light on aspects of myself and my true position in this situation. I am still giving it much consideration.

This proposed idea, from my friend, removed me from being the helpless victim, into a position of being able to make my own deliberate decision-and I could decide either way.

But I would have to own that choice.

This is often the part of decision making people don't want to deal with-the responsibility of making the decision.

But one of the major outcomes desired from this ongoing fast was to come to a clear and peaceful place regarding this matter. So to have come to this inversion of views at this later stage is very interesting. Especially since, over this past several days, I have felt distinctly led by the Lord to seek Him for His vision for my future. I realised I hadn't really had a solid view of my future for a long time-I was still bemoaning the loss of the old one, from decades ago! Dropping such weights is all part of this 100 Day agenda!

Finally...A New Dawn?

Even so, when I awoke this morning, with a sore throat and groggy head, I wasn't feeling too keen to do too much. All I am was crying out for a full day and night of not needing to go anywhere. Heaven on earth for me is playing in my own space! And the thing I despised the most is busyness running to and fro and getting nowhere but dizzy!

I have been confident thAnd at somewhere, somehow, a slower rhythm would emerge...and I still think that, but when the glimmer of a hope for an actual day of rest at the end of this week appeared, I realised just how weary I was.

And riding that weariness and slight inclement health, came the feeling for the first time, of wanting to disregard this fast. There was that other time, when I felt like I was getting nowhere ( maybe around 4 weeks or something), but I think the desire for 'comfort food'  was driving this one! lol

I woke up yearning for vegemite toast! Lemon ginger tea WITH honey-something hot and soothing. I had hot water :( and then got moving with the days' plan, and eventually had my fruit and yoghurt around 10:30-11. I enjoyed some chicken and veg mushroom saucy stuff for a later lunch and kept a bit over to have in my 15 min evening work break.

And aside from the sore throat, the night went fairly well.

I also woke up looking for my bible, which I'd left at church! I do have others, but one's own personal bible is always special. I collected it after work tonight. I need it- because as i have said so many times.. and am still so slack to be true to consistently- prayer is priority. Not from duty, but for  love.
Not as work but as fruit of devotion. 

The bottom line: I don't want to miss God...but even more importantly, I want to please Him.
I want what He wants for me, and I want to want it because I know, it is by far the BEST and HIGHEST thing.

I also want to be diligent to be prayerful about things that are much more expansive than my little life. The nations, the leaders of nations, the lost, the lonely, the hurting, missions, widows, orphans, homeless, the broken and destitute. I want to be part of the solution- a good steward. I feel I have been very remiss in all this whilst I try and get a handle on this new life back in Oz.

Yet, God has remained so faithful.
Till next post....
p.s. sorry I just realised the mistake I made in cutting and pasting the quoted comment. I usually type everything so that doesn't happen, but I forgot and I don't want to retype everything-it's late-as usual. lol

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