It's been a full two days in my new place.
Mixing trying to focus and catch up on the work, whilst getting my space livable and ordered. I'm quite content to work my way through a little at a time with unpacking, but I get a bit concerned about keeping the shared spaces in an appropriate condition.
I really wanted to do this blog early , rather than late, but I am soon to leave for the prayer meeting, and to lead the worship, so I don't think it will be done. And I just don't like doing it after 9:30 at night..., but here I am, 9:53pm...oh well. :)
Getting Settled
This is the third consecutive night I have spent in my new place. My roomy left earlier today and hasn't come back. Altho', she was expected a few hours ago, I don't think it's uncommon for her to have a change in plans. Anyway, so i am 'home alone', hee hee.
I have been doing my best to make headway into my E-book and workshop content, as I simultaneously work on unpacking and organising my belongings. Food has been very minimal and fasting 15 hours each day has been quite a big deal. Of course, not having done any shopping, I've not really had too much to pig out on, either! lol
I went back to Rache's last night just to help out for 3-4 hours, plus, I am still bringing the last of my belongings from there, as well. I made a tuna pasta bake for dinner ( I left a corner without pasta for me) and brought some fruit back for breakfast. :) Today's lunch was a surprisingly satisfying blend of leftover bits of basil pesto, a 3cm cube of cheese and about 6cm square chicken fillet, one mini cucumber, a sliver of avocado and half a carrot. It was good. :)
But I think I will need to get some shopping in the morning-lol
In case it isn't obvious, I am struggling to make a reasonable effort tonight. An hour has passed and I am plagued by the need to address other things. I just can't do everything.
But I will mention, there's been a lot of emotional stuff around that matter of my heart. Change in living conditions would trigger this. Moving is always an emotional thing. I have no fear of provision...knowing I have access to methods of producing income consistently.
I want to plan a budget and set a schedule for accomplishing financial goals for setting up home, for growing business, for giving. I am in an inner swirl with being clear and ordered, but, I know as days pass and I get a chance to find and establish my rhythm, all that will settle. This is my current agenda, over everything else.
Get a clear plan and schedule. Move out of feeling like I'm constantly behind. This is an important thing for me, because I believe such thinking springs from a 'lack' or 'wasted' mentality, neither of which are a good thing. They will work detrimentally against my good efforts to function efficiently. Time to consider the Word on this.
I remembered to speak over myself that God has given me a spirit of love, power and a sound mind. God is the orderer of my steps, and my Master Orchestrator. He has APPOINTED times and perfect ways. I just need to stay yoked to Jesus, abiding in the Word and walk in the 'rest' of faith.
That's it tonight. Sleep sweet.
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