Friday, August 2, 2019

100 Days of Transformation-Days 22-18-Another Ambush?

Five Days!!

Well, that has to be the longest break between posts! I wanted to blog sooner, but I chose having a proper amount of time, energy and focus rather than a short, shallow word. So, here we are, at the end of another week and heading into a weekend. And this will mark the end of Week 12- but more on that at the other end of the weekend.

Week 11, if you recall, was full of challenges concerning health, finance, emotions and the ongoing tech saga with Microsoft.  Week 12 saw the correction of the $$ situation and the final resolution with Microsoft (after 33 days!) I felt better too. :)

However, it seemed like the natural ambush of last week, became a more intense spiritual one this week. As I've made apparent, I am walking through a difficult transition and one particular person ( with a nasty track record) got wind of it and decided to 'turn the knife' through a couple of my online platforms.

At first, I allowed this to have much to much space in my head and heart, robbing me of sleep and making me physically tremble with the injustice and cruelty of it. Understandable. After the first message, which was just three letters long, I didn't read any of the content. I did report her for harassment and deleted all the comments.

Not reading them was one of the surest way to keep the poison out of my heart. The other way was to pray for her, as I have on many occasions before. And no, I am not setting myself up as some wonderful person for doing that-I just know it's the best way for me to stay free of any root of bitterness.

A Sneak Peek

What this did for me, though, was empowering, because, I view such manifestations as being spirit driven, and I don't mean the Spirit of God! The Bible says that the weapons of our warfare are not carnal ( of flesh and blood), but mighty, to the pulling down of strongholds. ( 2Cor 10:3-5 ) It also says that we wrestle not against flesh and blood and that we should be clothed in the full armour of God, so that we are fully protected and can stand firm in the day of battle, which is against principalities, rulers, authorities, cosmic powers and spiritual forces of evil. This armour includes multiple forms of prayer and proclamation. (Eph 6:10-18). 

In other words, flesh and blood are not our enemy. Even though people avail themselves to be used in this way, there is a much greater force behind it, and as prayers, intercessors and believing saints, we are the only ones that have the power and authority to intervene in such areas. Not because we are any better than anyone else, but because Jesus calls us to and gave us the enabling command to do so.

But what I understand is, that once the devil starts to show his cards, it's a sure sign that you are having an impact. Jesus said The devil comes to steal, kill and destroy Jn 10:10. John also tells us in
I Jn 3:8 the whole reason Jesus came was to destroy the works of the devil.

We are also informed in Jam 3:16 that where jealousy and selfish ambition exists, there will be chaos and every vile practice. Jealousy and selfish ambition stand out as indicators of evil at work, so when you start having people attack you for no reason other than they are jealous, you know there is a vexing spirit antagonising as well.

Others may or may not know about these truths and that's all the more reason to pray rather than being drawn into a reaction by the bait.

A Bit Out There

I realise that some of you reading this, may not have the same perspective on these things as I do, but it is a biblical view, so I stand on it and have seen it bear out in truth on many occasions.

What is so exciting, is that, at this time, when I thought my fast was finally getting close to winding down, I am instead, feeling the call to enter in prayer more deeply and consistently, which in itself is nothing new, but the kind of prayer has broadened to include the Mt 16:16-19 kind. This is a more intense intercessory prayer and it is directly involving the people connected and concerned with the 'matter of my heart'.

This is the best evidence that I am accomplishing something!
And with only 2 and a half weeks to go, I am glad it has brought a sense of increased intensity to go out with a bang and not just conclude with little to show.

When the devil is pressed to show his hand, you know he is getting desperate. And I have had two weeks of aggravations with this week taking a nasty twist. It also brought about a re-connecting where I had put distance, which means it isn't over yet.

I believe the Lord has shown me what I am praying into but I have no detailed idea of what the outcome will look like, I only know I feel a strong call to pray and intercede as I entered my final three weeks.

But God does work all things together for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His good purpose. Rom 8:28

From the Fasting Angle

Yep, continuing the 16:8. A few little changes expected from Sunday eve, which marks the beginning of Week 13.
THREE MONTHS without vegemite toast! Wow!

O by the way, I haven't done much more, but Pearl does have hair now!

And yes, I do take orders! But they ain't cheap! lol

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