Sunday, August 18, 2019

100 Days of Transformation-Days 8-3-A Big Loss

Can You Believe it?

I am stunned that it is actually a full WEEK since I did a blog!
Not for a single second did I forget or fall off the wagon of my 100 Day Fast, but just didn't get to blog.

News of Loss
Healthy Loss

I went to my GP last Tuesday and was able to weigh myself at the same place where I started. To my great joy, I showed a loss of 8.1 kgs! GLORY!!

Granted, it isn't the 15 kg I was aiming for, but I am not done yet and I believe I am well on the path to being whatever the best weight is for me-Hallelujah! Mine is the pleasure of donning items that was too tight and uncomfortable, which are becoming increasingly loose— and I am enjoying it! 

So, that was probably the highlight of the week for me.

Heart Matters

Overall, I seem to do pretty well, but out of nowhere, I will get slammed and feel swamped with sadness over this personal concern. Along with all this other weight, I know it is something that I have been learning to cast upon the Lord, rather than carry myself, as there is nothing physical or natural that I can do to change it. Prayer, worship and thanksgiving are the highest and best option, but too often, I just grab the whole thing, clutch it close and insist on bearing it again. Only to relinquish it once more when I grow too weary to stand it :(

In every other way, through any and all day to day challenges, I am extremely blessed and grateful for the provision of a home, my office, my family, a wonderful church family, work, worship, means to live... and my amazing vintage car, RITA! God is so faithful. <3

Flare Ups

Just as I have these emotional flare ups, this week, I have had a little more bread than previously and I actually can tell the difference in my body for it. I have reason to believe that yeast is part of the issue, more-so than wheat. One thing about cutting something out of your diet for a season (physical or mental), you can tell if there are issues with it when you start partaking of it again.

I haven't had any reactions to anything else being reintroduced. I think bread is o.k. too, but within a certain balance. I am yet to have pasta or rice, quinoa etc. I'm not really in a hurry to, either.

Ongoing Plans

By the time Tuesday night, Day 100, comes around, I expect to have something of a plan or guideline for the remainder of the year. I don't want to simply stop everything I've been doing and start doing all the things I had stopped doing. lol I am sure this season has been for the purpose of establishing better habits and ways of thinking and living. I have an inkling of some things, but not fully clear yet.

1010 2020 Vision
Tipping Point

Future focus in general has been very  strong this week, along with the sense of the unfolding fulfilment of the vision for the rest of 2019 ( Daily Building remember?) and the progressive unveiling of the view into 2020. Next year, my birthday is 10/10/2020 and early this year, I did feel a clear excitement about upcoming clarity for the year 2020, even though I didn't see it then. A confidence that I would have a level of vision and discernment that I have not enjoyed for a long time has been steadily growing.

Learning With Lisa Online

This is the name of the business I began—not that it seems like much of a business at this point. My new e-book How To Have Fun Making Books has been undergoing edits and I have persevered through multiple attempts to craft my mini-course. I am finally drawing closer to actually having something complete! I am shocked at just how distracted and easily diverted I have been and the massive effort it has taken to simply sit back at my desk, pick everything up and start working again, in spite of every internal clog wanting to yield to procrastination! Yes, there are countless disruptions (that is the age in which we live), but even so, the mental discipline to choose the desired gear in which to work has been monumental. ALL part of the Daily Building process, I have no doubt. I will have a strong and sound mind by the end of 2019!

It seems the scales are beginning to slide. Tipping Point. I finally feel like I am getting somewhere! Yay!

An Afterthought
It's just occurred to me that "scales" are a significant symbol for this time. Not that I am a follower of Zodiacs, but it's interesting in bringing up my birthday, the Libran symbol is also scales. But I want to go further than that...scales represent justice, reckoning, balance and reconciliation and I do believe that all these elements are taking place in me, in my life and in my affairs in this season. This also agrees with the becoming debt-free aspect.

It's as if all the claims the devil had on me because I gave him license through my super stupid choices, are all but met and paid. Hallelujah! Aah yes..selah.

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