Friday, October 27, 2017

Creative Fruit from my holiday :)

I painted my Matthew playing in his favourite sand pit!
A complete original 

A Quick Word

Why I Write

When I started this blog, I thought to use it as a casual kind of space, to journal somewhat about my life since marrying an American and moving away form home and family.
In my eagerness to simply record some events, I haven't included all that the Lord has been working in me through all of these events, travels, relationships and circumstances.

I think this is remiss of me, coz, for one, it makes for a much more shallow story of My Noble Life, but also, it doesn't do justice to the grace and power of the Spirit of God at work in a soul to bring forth the fruit of His life within.

I have another blog, called The IncorruptibleSeed  and this one is more substantially centred on God's Word, but even so, I want to be sure and cover significant things that God is doing, to heal, restore, bring forgiveness and reconciliation, as well as salvation, through life's every day events.

In Brief Review

So, in-keeping with this, I would like to write just a few paragraphs.

Since I arrived back in Oz, truly uncertain of when I would return to the US, the Lord has been doing some very deep restorative work. I feel like He brought me home to still waters and green pastures to minister to my soul and help navigate me through certain shadowy places that were lurking in my heart.

Having this glorious environment and being surrounded by lovers of God and lovers of me ( :) ), has been medicinal, but not without revelation about aspects of my own heart's condition, regarding previous choices, wounds and lost dreams. God always leads us through death to resurrection life. There is no other way.

All through this time, especially the holiday, and even continuing on, there have been insights, acknowledgements, acceptance,  releasing, seeking and  healing. I've cried a lot. I rejoiced a lot. I've prayed and struggled and studied and worshiped, been desperately disappointed, distracted, scattered and sometimes, confused and heavy hearted. I have, on several occasions, wondered why I am even on earth-feeling so pointless.

I know it sounds heavy, but it is all part of coming out of the darkness, out of the wilderness, and into the true Light and freedom of eternal life in Christ Jesus. 

In all this, no matter how ineffective it seems, I turn to the Lord, reminded that His eye is on me and His ear is attentive to my prayer. That He truly hears my longing and deluded heart, and graciously grants wisdom and peace for the moment, then, the next moment. He just wants me to keep close and by needing Him in every moment- I stay close.

Thing is, we always need Him every moment. We just forget and so He allows what's needed, so that we can be reminded and be drawn in for deeper intimacy.

In conclusion for now...

The point of the noblest life is to walk with the Lord Jesus and God, our Father, by the indwelling, ever present and precious, Holy Spirit. In truth, I face no situation, circumstance or relationship without this Presence.
He is my hiding place and for more on that go to my other blog, as that is the subject for today's post.

Thanks for reading.


Family Holiday Highlights


I wanted to skim across the top of the highlights of this Family Holiday that I had not completed.
It was very full and eventful, having two sons having birthdays, staying between three different homes-mum's, my brother Jamie's and in laws.

The first night was an intimate family dinner which was very pleasurable.

We went for Thai, and it was a splendid night.

From Left, Parrish, his fiance Megan, two random people in the background lol, Paulie and Matthew.

Below: is me...Possum ( Sarah) and their Dad, Dave. Rache and Kani were missing
I stayed with mum for a few days after that as the siblings enjoyed each other, their dad and their grandparents.

I had a bit of a catch up with mum, but I also had a constant longing to paint!! In watercolours, I have found such pleasure and satisfaction and altho I felt at a loss, initally ( to use them in their most unique ways), I painted along to tutorials  and developed my tool box of skills. Of course, this continues constantly and is best reflected when I can take a subject matter of my own and create an artwork. 
Funny thing! Mum was in the middle of her painting project in oils...a wedding gift for Rache and Kani, JimBoH ( as I call him! ) is deep in quite a lot of his serious series of art pieces, and then, here come I, the humble drawer with her travel pack and palette lol. But I did get a lovely prize, painting wise, out of this trip-as you will see. :)
 I believe both of these tutes were run by the frugal crafter -bubbly  girl , this one!
and I have done a few with Ekaterina Smirnova too ( love her accent!)    
and this was a definite highlight for me! Oh and for my brother and I, a true-blue Ozzie Meat pie by the lake and  a local art exhibition in the colonial house!

The following Friday was my Matthew's 25th birthday!! He and Sarah and Paul ( whose birthday followed two days later) took a trip into family history. We trained to Parramatta, walked to the River Cat and caught that up the river , across the harbour and under the iconic Bridge, so dock at Circular Quay where we wold board another ferry for Watson's Bay.

Due to an urgent toilet stop we had to wait another hour, so we decided to have a light meal in a nearby park. Place very busy. Waaaay too many photos of all this, so here a couple of the journey to Camp Cove, and the actual site of all Grandma's lovely stories! ( And also the opening setting for my  novel, Escape to Ecclesia. So...a pretty special place.

And when we arrived, we ate Fish & Chips.. as you do! but instead of the Doyle's take away on the wharf, or in the restaurant, we ate at the Watson's Bay Hotel.
After which, we wandered along to 23 Cliff St, where my children met there Great Great Auntie Faye for the first time ( who also inspired a character in my book!)
It was a very brief and sweetly hospitable visit with my 92 yr baby sister of my late Grandma, with a photo and then off, to show my babes the house where their Grandma and mine both grew up- 30 Cliff St.
 "Auntie" June (daughter of Faye's big sister, Joyce) -my mum's cousin, is there now, but she was out, so sadly, we couldn't go in, but I described as much as I remembered.

This historic place...familially speaking has charmed several generations. And it was not lost on my children. We ventured on down to Camp Cove, of which I have many memories as a very young local, having visited there with mum.  We passed through a bridal photo shoot and up into the old war 'ruins'. In this way, this place reminded me very much of San Francisco and and the headlands connected via the Golden Gate. 
Like my mum, I want to paint it all. Matthew took at least as  many photos as I did. I eventually ran out of space on both phones and battery for phone and camera! 

So, to finish off, we did not exhaust all we wanted to do by any means, so we want to go back, but it was a splendid family day!
These walls had holes for guns of snipers, And here is the classic little strip of Watson's Bay beach.
The rest of this holiday's highlights will have to go in yet another post! lol
It was a GOOD family time.
I think Matt has the images of Auntie Faye. But here's one from a visit recently with mum and Steve and her great, great, great niece and nephew, Charlize and Liam.

Friday, September 22, 2017

Noble Quest post script

I just realised that I never got around to posting the photos from my beautiful girl's wedding...who, by the way, is now 6 months pregnant :)
 The beautiful couple. I only did a special hem on Rachel's dress. I made the bridesmaids's dresses and my own (which I thought was pretty ordinary, lol-but I wore it-to the ceremony at least!)

Her hem, at the front, had to be raised about 15 cm (6") because everyone was barefoot.

God inspired me with the idea of drawing it in scallops from equal points, no need to cut anything and it created such a pretty hemline.

Rachel loved it!

The reception under trees , with fairy lights and and casual arrangement was perfection also. We had a diverse collection of musical performances and presentations as well as a 'flash mob', a Maori Haka and original items. I sang and played one of mine and sang his Eye is on the SParrow with Sarah, who also sang two others. It truly was idyllic and wonderful in every way and we had accommodation there, too, as it was a family property.  So , we had breakfast brunch together too. :)
The Bridesmaids, right to left, my eldest daughter , Sarah ( who announced her engagement to Ben at this time too), my niece, Chloe, lifelong friend ( family friends), Leesha and the latest, greatest sis, Lusi.
This event took place down at Cabarita Beach, northern NSW and i am yet to see the 'proper' photos! :/

 Here, you see the stunning couple and Kani's (pronounced Kunni) groomsmen. Brother, Maeheri and friends...ashamed to say I've forgotten all their names! You can see Pastor Dave Vaka through there too. :)

And finally, a personal highlight for me for reasons of the reconciliation and restoration it presents, myself singing The Wedding Song :There is Love with Leesha's dad, Mark Windle accompanying and Rachel's Papa Bear, Dave Schembri playing harp. Nothing like this has happened for maybe 15 years.
It broke my heart even as it healed it.
 ha.. this was the dress I bought from an op shop a day or two before for $ I liked it better...  :)

Family Holiday Day 2

So, Day 2, we are up early! We all went to sleep early, altho Sarah, the earliest. We took advantage of the availability of movies.  Funny thing, the night before I left I had been watching a you tube video on the church in the Last Days. The preacher gave multiple Biblical examples of how God saves us through our circumstances-the catch phrase being the way is through. It witnessed with me just from that butthe first movie we watched Now You See Me 2, had a character come out with that same phrase, only more poignant the ONLY way out is thru
I shared my story with the kids and we talked about the idea a bit. Sarah went to bed and Matthew and I watched Mastermind-a funny movie by the same people as those who made Nacho Libre. And would you believe it, the main character declared The way out is through!
Ok, Lord, I guess you are going to be taking me through something, I'd perhaps rather go around...and at the time, I wasn't sure what it was...but now, in relfection of our time in Sydney and what the Spirit has been leading me, somewhat painfully, through, I think I see one very apt application. More on that...perhaps...later. 
Sarah thru the kitchen window, making her break-fast bullet.  Both she and I had the same idea to leave "thank you"s, and this image was etched into the glass of our balcony door-which I thought was very cool, hence the photo! lol
 An outside view.

Continuing on, we were slowed considerably by an accident between two double trailered trucks. There were no ambulances, surprisingly and we were very pleased to later learn that everyone had walked away unharmed!

It took maybe 90 mins to get past the wrecks, but Matthew and Ihad a pretty good time observing the foliage and fauna and discussing various details.

It did mean we arrived at a much busier time to Sydney than we had wanted to, but God has His perfect timing. We don't always know why.

We were tired when we arrived at G'ma's, but our supplies had lasted us well. We bunked there for the night! More soon!

Family Holiday to Sydney

Wednesday September 6, 2017

So... my eldest Sarah, and my youngest, Matthew, and I decided we would go together for a mini family roadtrip and holiday to Sydney, to catch up with other family and just have some good, old fashioned fun.

Sarah arrived to collect me before 6am and then , we went to get Matt and hit the road.

It was a fun, chatty and easy drive and we arrived to Coffs, our first overnight port of call in good time, after making at stop at a regular spot called, Woodburn, and just briefly, at the Macca's Grafton-both of which are traditional for this familiar run down the long coast line from Gold Coast to Sydney...about 800kms ( roughly 525 miles).

After toppiing up the fuel, we took a 'wrong' turn that led us via the beautifully scenic, 30-40 minute way to our 10 min destination (hee hee) It was too early to check in, so we drove back to the Beach and made perfect time to order, fish, chips and ceasar salad, which we ate atop a high sand dune ovelooking the beach at Coffs Harbour SLSC.
 The, we all enjoyed the beach in all of our individual fashions with much delight, till it was time to head back and check in...stopping for a few food supplies-supplementing Sarah's forward thinking- and should sustain us all the way thru to our Thursday destination: G'ma's!
 That's Sarah, up there on the sand dune! Matt preferred to fossick on the shoreline. As you can see, I liked to visually document it all! :)
This shot is one of a series, that I hope to evenutally link up to make a panorama of the view from the beach, including several islands out to to sea-one even with a lighthouse! 
This island could be reached by wading through the lowest tides, but since water washed in from both sides around it and from the front via an in land inlet. This is Coffs Harbour/Park Beach and we loved it!

Once we had had our fill for the moment, we headed back to out accommodation for a blissful family evening and good rest!
Our wonderful family room and balcony.

Matt and Poss' beds , a privacy wall with mine on the other side!
Pretty cool, huh?
 As we each settled into the space, like happy creatures navigating their way delightfully through all the points of pleasure-just like we did at the beach, my heart rejoiced in God's goodness and Sarah's thoughtfulness and organisation-some of his special gifts in her life.
Some of my favourite moments were these mini family events with just the three of us!
 Matt pottering in the kitchen and being still on the balcony with the song of the wind in the trees and birds all about.

That's Sarah down there on the chair by the pool, reading her novel and relaxing in this picturesque setting at Coffs Harbour, three hours south of the Gold Coast.
I will end this post here and pick up tomorrow, when we head off for the next leg of our journey! :)

Thursday, August 31, 2017

Issabel's Window

Issabel and her mother had recently moved into a new home near some woods, which her mother said was "...a perfect writing environment!" Ellen Roberts wrote Christian novels and plays and music.

Issabel made a daily sojourn down a particularly leafy lane at the bottom of her street. Sure, she had her mother's gift, because everything she saw became a story-or many different ones. This lane was full of story potential.

There was only one house, snuggled in between all the greenery. It had an old rendered finish, with a few cracks in the plaster which, in no way, diminished its charm. The garden was full of blooms and hedges and trees and it seemed an idyllic space for a child to play. But she never saw a child in there.

In fact she had never seen anyone. Issabel had often pondered about who could live there and had come up with a variety of possibilities. Of one thing she was sure, they lived alone in all their natural beauty, but why?

One day, she took her sketch book and pencil and some watercolours and ventured down the lane. Finding a good vantage point across from an open facing window bursting with colour, she sat and began to draw, her mind musing over the interior details of what lay in shadow before her.

Some time passed and thru the stillness, across the sound of the trees, the breeze carried the sound of a phone ringing.
Aha! thought Issabel,  a clue! She put her pad aside and crept up as close as she could to the window. The phone was answered with a curt, inaudible response and hung up!

Hmm...they liked being left alone...or maybe they were being bothered by sales people! Issabel laughed to herself. The way  her mind worked fascinated her, and she thought God was exceptionally clever to create people with such abilities.

Suddenly, to her surprise, she saw a very small, aged hand holding a silver watering jug, come forth out of the shadows and pour liquid over the flower pots on the sill. The other hand appeared, gently caressing the plant and it sounded like the old lady was softly crooning to the blooms. Issabel really  wanted to see her!

She came up with a plan to finish her drawing and then present it to the woman.
Brilliant! she thought.
                                                      *****    ******    *****

A day or two passed by before Issabel ventured back down the lane to present her picture. She came bearing some banana bread too, in case she was invited in for tea.
But no one answered the door, even tho the window was open. Maybe she just didn't want to be bothered-especially by pesky strangers.

Issabel decided to try again the next day, convinced that everyone should have kindness shown them and not always be alone, but she was met with the same response. This time however, she noticed that the flowers on the window sill were starting to wilt.

"Oh dear", she thought, sensing trouble. The phone rang and just kept ringing. Issabel went up to the open window and listened. She thought she heard, wait...yes! Groaning!

"Hello, hello!" she called into the darkness. "Are you alright?" More groaning.  Issabel tried the front door-locked. Leaving her firendship offering on the step, she went around the house, looking for an open door or window, to see if she could get in anywhere. No open doors and all the windows were too high off the ground without a boost. "I'll be right back! I'll get help." she called into the window.

She ran up the lane to her home and straight into her mother's study. Flushed and worried, she took her mother by the hand and pulled her along, explaining the situation as she did. "Bring your phone!" she insisted.

Ellen quickly surveyed the scene, called an ambulance, and helped Issabel move the thirsty flower pots to give her a boost up. Once inside, Issabel saw the old woman fallen on the ground and groaning. She reassured her and went to let her mother in. Being only 14, she didn't really know what to do.

Just then, the phone rang. The little lady, now revealed as of Asian descent, gestured with her head for Issabel to answer it. Issabel picked up the old style receiver and putting it to her hear, said "Hello?"

The female voice on the other end sounded startled,  and with an accented English started apologising, as she must have the wrong number.

"No, no! This is the cottage of the lady in the lane but she has had an accident and me and my mother are helping her!"
"I come straight way!" the voice said, and hung up.

The ambulance arrived and Ellen directed them inside. Issabel had been soothing the old woman, who now seemed quite peaceful. They had to take her to hospital as she seemed to have fractured a bone, but before they left, a blue Mazda pulled up and another elderly lady got out. She was quite able bodied and went straight to the gurney, speaking in another language to the injured woman. She then had a few words to the paramedics, althought Issabel couldn't hear what she said.

After words, she turned to Issabel  and Ellen, saying,
"Thank you! Thank you!" as she subtly bowed "Thank you!", she continued,
"Lu-Kim is ma ohder sista, but since I move an re-marry, she has not spoken to me. It's been ten years and I pray for Jesus to touch her. I  ahways try, but she no talk to me." It became clear that Lu-Kim was angry and hurt at being left alone and unforgiving to her sister. "I am Mai-Lin, an' now I will take care of her." She smiled and bowing again, got in her car to go to the hospital.

In the weeks that followed, Lu-Kim recovered in her cottage. Ellen and Issabel visited. Issabel went daily and drew, read from the gospels and shared her artwork and how good it was that God had her there to help in that time. Mai-Lin came every day as well. Hearing the  the story of how Issabel happened to be at her sister's cottage, she marvelled at how God hears and answers prayers.
Lu-Kim found forgiveness through these kindnesses and the two sisters were restored to each other.  Issabel beamed exclaiming,

"It's an even better story than any I would have written!"

And you show that you are a letter from Christ delivered by us, written not ith ink, but with the Spirit if the living God, not on tablets of stone, but on tablets of human hearts. 2 Cor 3:3

Friday, August 18, 2017

South for the Winter.

Do you ever fall into the trap of never feeling like you have anything together enough top take action on it? That's been where I am. That's why, in spite of wanting to blog about so much, my 'pen' has hung limp. :(
So, today, I though I would just write something! 
Back in OZ
I came home to Australia last weekend, almost exactly a week ago.
Sadly, it was without my lovely Mr Noble. :(
In the five years we've been together, coming and going, we are yet to actually travel anywhere together.

 I am still hoping for that to change. This image to the left is my now very familiar Facebook friends, Burleigh beach... the southern end. And below, right.. the northern end. You can see the dredging boat ( "sand monster" to some) in the distance.

It is the last month of winter, yet, the weather is glorious! It was with great delight that I have ventured down for at least three of the six mornings I've been on the Coast...maybe four.

 The two sky shots are of the clear moon and the obsc-ured sun-taken moments apart.
Of course, I took a selfie to share with Larrie and US friends. Sometimes, I miss him soooo terribly.

 On one of the mornings, the dredging vessel had progressed further south along the coast  and was in much clearer view. Watching the billowing water and sand can be quite mesmerising, and seeing all the birds was a clear indicator that fish were being disturbed and exposed as well...or something edible.
I saw friends and family before I saw the beach, but we forgot to take any photos lol. too busy having fun and sharing time together.
 But yesterday, instead of going to the beach, I went out early, up to Southbank in Brisbane to attend my baby girl's first antenatal visit. She is now 22 weeks and even tho a scan wasn't scheduled, we were blessed with an unexpected view anyway! How cool was that!!
After that, we shared a very nice, but pricey, lunch at POPOLO on the river and then , an ice cream at the 'beach' before I headed back on the train. It was a sweet day!
I am currently staying with a good family friend and her daughter and have been given a sweet welcome. I am blessed to be so loved and blessed to have been able to travel home and be with everyone again. Due to my points, this trip only cost $29.80 USD!!!

Looking forward to when Larrie can come and join us.
Oh and I already have a gig tomorrow evening, solo piano and vocal at Spaghetti & Jazz -an exceptional Authentic Italian restaurant in Robina. Come and say hi!

That's it for now, from this noble wife, who is missing her noble husband, but still living her noble life!