Friday, August 18, 2017

South for the Winter.

Do you ever fall into the trap of never feeling like you have anything together enough top take action on it? That's been where I am. That's why, in spite of wanting to blog about so much, my 'pen' has hung limp. :(
So, today, I though I would just write something! 
Back in OZ
I came home to Australia last weekend, almost exactly a week ago.
Sadly, it was without my lovely Mr Noble. :(
In the five years we've been together, coming and going, we are yet to actually travel anywhere together.

 I am still hoping for that to change. This image to the left is my now very familiar Facebook friends, Burleigh beach... the southern end. And below, right.. the northern end. You can see the dredging boat ( "sand monster" to some) in the distance.

It is the last month of winter, yet, the weather is glorious! It was with great delight that I have ventured down for at least three of the six mornings I've been on the Coast...maybe four.

 The two sky shots are of the clear moon and the obsc-ured sun-taken moments apart.
Of course, I took a selfie to share with Larrie and US friends. Sometimes, I miss him soooo terribly.

 On one of the mornings, the dredging vessel had progressed further south along the coast  and was in much clearer view. Watching the billowing water and sand can be quite mesmerising, and seeing all the birds was a clear indicator that fish were being disturbed and exposed as well...or something edible.
I saw friends and family before I saw the beach, but we forgot to take any photos lol. too busy having fun and sharing time together.
 But yesterday, instead of going to the beach, I went out early, up to Southbank in Brisbane to attend my baby girl's first antenatal visit. She is now 22 weeks and even tho a scan wasn't scheduled, we were blessed with an unexpected view anyway! How cool was that!!
After that, we shared a very nice, but pricey, lunch at POPOLO on the river and then , an ice cream at the 'beach' before I headed back on the train. It was a sweet day!
I am currently staying with a good family friend and her daughter and have been given a sweet welcome. I am blessed to be so loved and blessed to have been able to travel home and be with everyone again. Due to my points, this trip only cost $29.80 USD!!!

Looking forward to when Larrie can come and join us.
Oh and I already have a gig tomorrow evening, solo piano and vocal at Spaghetti & Jazz -an exceptional Authentic Italian restaurant in Robina. Come and say hi!

That's it for now, from this noble wife, who is missing her noble husband, but still living her noble life!

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