So, Day 2, we are up early! We all went to sleep early, altho Sarah, the earliest. We took advantage of the availability of movies. Funny thing, the night before I left I had been watching a you tube video on the church in the Last Days. The preacher gave multiple Biblical examples of how God saves us through our circumstances-the catch phrase being the way is through. It witnessed with me just from that butthe first movie we watched Now You See Me 2, had a character come out with that same phrase, only more poignant the ONLY way out is thru!
I shared my story with the kids and we talked about the idea a bit. Sarah went to bed and Matthew and I watched Mastermind-a funny movie by the same people as those who made Nacho Libre. And would you believe it, the main character declared The way out is through!
Ok, Lord, I guess you are going to be taking me through something, I'd perhaps rather go around...and at the time, I wasn't sure what it was...but now, in relfection of our time in Sydney and what the Spirit has been leading me, somewhat painfully, through, I think I see one very apt application. More on that...perhaps...later.
Sarah thru the kitchen window, making her break-fast bullet. Both she and I had the same idea to leave "thank you"s, and this image was etched into the glass of our balcony door-which I thought was very cool, hence the photo! lolAn outside view.
Continuing on, we were slowed considerably by an accident between two double trailered trucks. There were no ambulances, surprisingly and we were very pleased to later learn that everyone had walked away unharmed!
It took maybe 90 mins to get past the wrecks, but Matthew and Ihad a pretty good time observing the foliage and fauna and discussing various details.
It did mean we arrived at a much busier time to Sydney than we had wanted to, but God has His perfect timing. We don't always know why.
We were tired when we arrived at G'ma's, but our supplies had lasted us well. We bunked there for the night! More soon!
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