Friday, October 27, 2017

A Quick Word

Why I Write

When I started this blog, I thought to use it as a casual kind of space, to journal somewhat about my life since marrying an American and moving away form home and family.
In my eagerness to simply record some events, I haven't included all that the Lord has been working in me through all of these events, travels, relationships and circumstances.

I think this is remiss of me, coz, for one, it makes for a much more shallow story of My Noble Life, but also, it doesn't do justice to the grace and power of the Spirit of God at work in a soul to bring forth the fruit of His life within.

I have another blog, called The IncorruptibleSeed  and this one is more substantially centred on God's Word, but even so, I want to be sure and cover significant things that God is doing, to heal, restore, bring forgiveness and reconciliation, as well as salvation, through life's every day events.

In Brief Review

So, in-keeping with this, I would like to write just a few paragraphs.

Since I arrived back in Oz, truly uncertain of when I would return to the US, the Lord has been doing some very deep restorative work. I feel like He brought me home to still waters and green pastures to minister to my soul and help navigate me through certain shadowy places that were lurking in my heart.

Having this glorious environment and being surrounded by lovers of God and lovers of me ( :) ), has been medicinal, but not without revelation about aspects of my own heart's condition, regarding previous choices, wounds and lost dreams. God always leads us through death to resurrection life. There is no other way.

All through this time, especially the holiday, and even continuing on, there have been insights, acknowledgements, acceptance,  releasing, seeking and  healing. I've cried a lot. I rejoiced a lot. I've prayed and struggled and studied and worshiped, been desperately disappointed, distracted, scattered and sometimes, confused and heavy hearted. I have, on several occasions, wondered why I am even on earth-feeling so pointless.

I know it sounds heavy, but it is all part of coming out of the darkness, out of the wilderness, and into the true Light and freedom of eternal life in Christ Jesus. 

In all this, no matter how ineffective it seems, I turn to the Lord, reminded that His eye is on me and His ear is attentive to my prayer. That He truly hears my longing and deluded heart, and graciously grants wisdom and peace for the moment, then, the next moment. He just wants me to keep close and by needing Him in every moment- I stay close.

Thing is, we always need Him every moment. We just forget and so He allows what's needed, so that we can be reminded and be drawn in for deeper intimacy.

In conclusion for now...

The point of the noblest life is to walk with the Lord Jesus and God, our Father, by the indwelling, ever present and precious, Holy Spirit. In truth, I face no situation, circumstance or relationship without this Presence.
He is my hiding place and for more on that go to my other blog, as that is the subject for today's post.

Thanks for reading.


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