Creator's Block
I have been longing to write.
I feel so full of 'stuff', and so overdue with need to write, but it seems that whenever I have a few minutes, all those ideas just seem overwhelming-swirling in a sea of activity and memory and longing and loving.
No quality downtime. No processing time...or too little.
I am far too busy.
I have never liked constant activity outside my own space.
I am a home body. A home maker.
I need space and stillness to create from clarity.
I like to deal with the outside world in doses. Very measured doses.
I am truly an introvert.
As it is...I can create nothing coz when I get a moment, it is barely enough to re-centre, let alone create from stillness in the Secret Place.
Candid Reflections
This blog is not about appearances. Yes, a measure of restraint because it is not about complaint either. It is just a place to share my heart. I wish I could share my whole heart, but such honesty can be so misinterpreted and recycled as ammunition that it can be scary-especially in our confused and corrupted world of political correctness, where to be 'normal' in one's thinking is becoming nothing short of intolerable.
I confess. I believe that what the Bible says about man is true and that God's ways and Word and design, are perfect. And this is my standard of 'normal'. I don't think this idea of normal is all that commonly held, tho. Our world has changed so much that a conversation about having a baby without having an intimate relationship is not considered bizarre at all. Neither the slaughtering of that same baby. Yet, there is outcry over shooting unarmed adults.
There is absolutely NO sense, it seems, of man being created in the image of God and appreciation of the depths of the audacity to think we have any right to determine the life and death of ourselves, let alone another!
My heart is heavy.
I don't want to be in such a world.
Live to Give Glory To God
I know God wants me here, on earth, now, coz He doesn't make mistakes, but I feel that the only way I will feel ok about it, is to become humbly bold in sharing the Truth from His Word. I can't just watch and stand by, as people "eat, drink and be merry coz tomorrow they die!" and feel ok.
I feel like King Solomon... what's the point of it all? It's all vanity and a chasing after the wind. Everything in this life is futile if it is temporary.
And when I get to that point, I remember other things that Ecclesiastes says about "...eating and drinking and enjoying your work...coz this is his lot..." and the gift of God is the ability to ENJOY what has been given. This isn't empty partying. This is productivity and satisfaction in it. And also, to remember his Maker whilst he is yet in the land of the living.
The point of life on earth is to give glory to God and reveal the glory and goodness of Him who made everything, by doing all things to His glory.What does that mean?
Put simply, it means to reflect Him by living according to His authentic design and purpose. And to share with others what that is and how to do it.
Lost but not Alone
This is called "preserving sound doctrine" so that we and our hearers may be saved...but in our world today, that is to incite much hatred. Jesus said the world hates Him because He said that what they were doing was evil. They hate the Light because it exposes that evil.
Nothing has changed. To choose to live contrary to the Word of God is evil. God loves what is good. What is good pleases Him and He is the ONLY One who can truly determine what is good coz He is the ONLY One who is truly righteous. Good and evil are not relative to the times and fashions or opinions.
We all fail. We all have fallen short, not just in what we do but constitutionally, we are of an unfixable fallen state. No matter what we do to try and do right, we cannot change WHAT we are-lost. Alienated from God.
We have no idea how wretched we are!
Our situation is hopeless and we are helpless.
We are so deluded, thinking we have any control over our lives, or our world. We actually think we are the god of our own lives! Coming to the end of ourselves is the best thing that can happen to us, but it feels like the end of the world. And then, that's often when we get mad at the God we denied all along, rather than turn to Him.
Say 'Yes' to the Light
BUT...if we will turn to Him, through Jesus and on His terms, we will find a whole new world. A whole new US! We will know Him as Our Heavenly and Eternal Father and ourselves as redeemed and re-born, filled with the gift of His spirit.
Then, you will know what I mean. :)
This is what matters. This is what counts.
This is why I am here.
This is why you're here.
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