Wednesday, February 16, 2022

A Little 'Peace' of Creative Heaven

Hey readers! I know it's been a while, but I always intended this blogspot to be for moments of every day that are special in their simplicity. So, here is a perfect example. :)
About a week ago, I went away for a very brief interlude, up by the head of the Coomera River, in the Gold Coast Hinterland.
I stayed on an unpowered site, and although they had a small toilet block, there were no showers. You had to be quite self sufficient. I enjoyed being able to use my own resources and supplies and had a blissfully quiet time.
On my first morning, I went for an explore on foot aroud the river, taking photos and noticed all the funny fire pits everywhere. They seemed odd looking to me, and set at strange angles. They were round tubs with a flat top that had some slashes cut into them, and three pieces of timber equally place around the circumference. I wasn't sure how they were to be used. I have a little single gas burner (with a canister), and a tiny portable stove that uses dry fuel, so I didn't really need the fire pit—for cooking anyway.
However, on my walk back to my campervan and awning set up, I saw one that was a different shape. Like a drum that had been sliced lengthwise, making more of a feeding trough shape. It was upside down, with criss-crossed timber legs at both ends. "aah," I thought to myself, I like that one!" I could put my little stove inside and keep the wind, and potential fire hazards at bay (it has a big naked flame!). A few seconds later, it dawned on me!

All the other fire pits were upside down too!! lol And were just in 'waiting' mode for someone to come along, and turn them right side up for use! I hadn't even really thought about the fact that some in places they were best not lit in, leaning against trees, like in my picture! lol

My 'face value' reading of the whole scenario, just amused me so much! So when I painted the picture, it wasn't just the painting, it was associated moment that made it special.
Here are a couple of other images from my trip as well. Have you ever had these kinds of funny, oblivious kind of experiences? I would say 'blonde moments' coz you would know what I mean, and it is in no way dereogatory, but some people take such things as too offensive. What's another way to say 'blonde moment'? Anyway, I am FAR from blonde and I love those moments!! They remind me of my childlike capacity for wonder! And I still have it!

A sweet spot riverside for scooping water for washing up and showering, or perhaps a bathe, with the option of a gentle bathe, or a little more bubble jet motion! lol
This is a truly lovely spot, and because it is so minimal, it tends to not draw as many, which I like. :)

Me on the path a-wandering... And this is my collapsible kettle on my mini portable stove, Love both of them! The water boils SOOOO fast!

What things do you like to do that make your heart sing? (Singing is also one of those things for me!) Think about the "Oh, I always wanted to..." desires you have. What's one? And why haven't you done it? Or, have you? Do tell! That's all from me for now. Nice to be back. :)

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

100 Days of Transformation:A Year Later—A Matriarch's Testimony

A Setting Of The Scene

I've heard many women testify to many and varied symptoms that accompany menopause. Typical to my pattern, I was resistant to blindly accepting negative conditions as ultimately unavoidable.* I didn't think it should be as bad as 'they' say.

Leading up up to that time in my life, I was gaining a bit of weight, but could easily put it down to not consuming as healthy a diet at that time. In my own strength, I tried to re-establish some better practices. ( Flesh isn't much good for that. Got me nowhere)

April 2013 (@ 51 & 1/2 years), I had my final period. Medically, one is said to have completed menopause after 12 mths of no menstruation, so April 2014, I was officially done.

I did experience many things, in the years leading up to that and since, but I cannot put all that down to Menopause, as there were too many in-arguably contributing factors, such as, 
  • I wasn't living the clean life I had been. I started drinking and this led to the long term affect of junk food additions to my diet. 
  • I turned away from following God and living according to His Word, leading to divorce. (which was peaceful as far as divorces go...but such a tragedy, and one that dogged my efforts to find forgiveness and move forward for at least 15 years) 
  • I went into doctrines of demons and walked in deception. ( As always happens when we reject the Truth we have known and understood)
  • Demonic strongholds of which I had been previously delivered, became seven times worse, as promised.
  • Seven years of physical and emotional upheaval, travelling across the Pacific and back sixteen times ( I think), for months at a time. I have NO idea how many different places I stayed!  
I tried to apply practices and restore natural habits that had been effective in my life before, but without a full repentance and a return to my Saviour and His cleansing blood, nothing helped.

Given these conditions, I cannot put the blame for YEARS of not sleeping more than 60-90 mins at a time, weight gain, and other physical imbalances down to merely menopause. I know the blessing of living in peace and the health it brings. I also understand the converse.

I would say these choices made me a much better candidate for all the ills of which women complain, but I still didn't want to embrace them as unavoidable.  I can be stubborn that way. :)
I did come back to the blood of Jesus, but I still needed to come back to His Word. I became desperate to break free, break out, break through, and pulling the rug out fro under my own feet, I quit my singing gigs, sold everything but Rita (my 1991 car), some precious stuff, fostered out my plants and hit the road ( Mar 17, 2012), making plans to leave for the US on May 31, 2012. (For 3 mths—with just $600AUD-which was on par with USD then. But that's a whole 'nother' story!)

Turning Point Spiritually

 July 17, 2015, I had been in my own place on the Gold Coast for about 4 mths and I gave myself back to the Lord and made His Word final authority again. I felt like Rip Van Winkle and seriously just awoken to an entirely different world! Although, I didn't walk everything out perfectly, this was absolutely the point of change, and it came 40 months after I'd left. 40 months of a special kind of wilderness that led me back in to the Light, after years of darkness.

Deeper Turning Physically

Over this time, I seemed to be often gaining weight for reasons I could neither see, nor really understand. I was in fellowship with the Lord and trying to consistently pray and read and live the word. Not sleeping soundly contributed. Emotional stresses. Several physical ailments and irritations—which had never been a regular thing for me. No consistent routine for healthy diet and exercise.

But with 2018, I just kept on putting on weight and nothing I did seemed to make any lasting difference. I did prophesy over myself that I wanted to live a fasted life, and when I did that, I felt an inward witness. During the first two months of 2019, the Lord had spoken clearly to me about the focus for 2019 Daily Building and where it was leading.
It was summed up in Heb 12:1
Since then, we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off all the weights and the sins that so easily entangle us and let us run with perseverance that race marked out for us.  

Turning Point Geographically

Jumping ahead, I came home to Oz to stay, March 6, 2019, almost exactly 7 yrs later. I didn't feel good about myself. I hated being so overweight, but was totally at a loss about what to do in a practical sense. I felt so old and ugly and really without anything of value to give. I know this isn't how God saw or sees me, but I also knew it wasn't what He wanted for me. As someone who had once been delivered of eating disorders and unhealthy thinking about food, just trying to diet, watch weight or count calories, was never going to work.

God's plan was to lead me along a path that would bring about the shedding of all dead weight I had picked up in my travels—inside and out. I started becoming convinced about the fasted life being a key and in March 2019, it became clear to me that the Lord wanted me to do a 100 day fast, commencing with a Daniel ( Fruit/Veg/ Nuts).

I knew this was beyond me naturally, but I was struggling with inflammation caused issues in my body too, and I truly believed this 100 Day Fast would lead to the shedding of the root causes of everything in one way or another. I couldn't just diet. This was a spiritual endeavour, inspired and led by the Lord, NOT a weight-loss programme, and it would take HIS enabling grace to do. To access that grace, I needed to be ready to make a total commitment. It took two more months for me to get to that point.

I knew this 100 Day Fast would lead to a loss in weight...inside and out. I had an intense emotional burden as well and expected to find peace concerning that. Physically, I felt 15 kg (33 lbs) was the figure He spoke to my heart. I also felt it was going to open the way back into a full restoration of my life and callings in Him. Also, joyfully, I would know and understand what I hadn't, which is how to live in this menopausal body! Not surprisingly, it has a lot to do with living a fasted life!

It was four months and three address shifts, since arriving back in OZ, before the Lord, in an immediate answer to prayer, led me to a permanent-for-me dwelling, and I moved in around July 9. 

Mother's Day, May 12, 2019

The day I moved back to stay with my daughter and family (my third shift) was the day I decided to start the 100 Day Fast, from sundown that night. It was Mother's Day and we had shared a lovely family afternoon/evening together. 100 Days would take me through to Aug 20, and I had been prompted to begin with a Daniel Fast of fruit, vegs and nuts for the first 3 weeks. I also had ONE decaf coffee mid afternoon. I did include one egg and maybe 30gm of cheese each week, and toward the end of week 3, introduced yoghurt on my fruit.

I had no means for weighing myself, nor was it the focus, but because I expected to lose 15kg in 100 days, every day I stayed strong in His grace, I credited myself with 150 gm loss and celebrated! This was a definite act of faith...full of joy and full assurance. :)

I documented the process on this blog site, so I won't go over all that...but I will say each three weeks, a change was implemented—as led by my heart in the Lord.
Weeks 4-6  Daniel Fast continues but added chicken and fish and another coffee was allowed—a real one!
Weeks 7-9  Diet unchanged but the introduction of intermittent fasting. Wk 7, ratio 13:11 Fasting: eating window respectively. I also fully moved into my place! Wk 8, 14:10, Wk 9, 15:9
Weeks 10-12 Ratio of 16:8 same diet, but also allowed my a sweet treat once a week (usually a cookie with coffee after church on Sunday, and a lemon lime and bitters on the days I luncheoned with Lady Pastor and Children's Pastor
Weeks 13-14 +2 days Same diet, but introduced bread on occasion.

What About The 15kg?

On August 18, I weighed in 8.1 kg lighter than I started and felt confident that I would continue to lose weight. Altho' my 100 days finished on Aug 20, I kept up with the road I was on very well until I went to Sydney for Christmas lol! By the time I went to Sydney, I had lost closer to 12 kgs (!) and was feeling pretty well established on my chosen path of a fasted life. 

I still did well in Sydney, maintaining my 16:8, but I did eat differently—however, always started with my fruit! When I came home to the Coast, I was so concerned I may have put weight back on I was too scared to look! I reminded myself that my fasting is not just about physical weight, and came back to affirming the principle of fasting for spiritual purposes.

When I did weigh myself I was 13 kg less than when I started my 100 Days!
When the dreaded 'CV plague' hit, forcing us all into confinement, I was definitely eating more (due to being distracted) and this past month have indulged, for me, on a few fronts...sometimes, less fasting hours, sometimes chocolate! But, in spite of all this, generally, my habits are pretty established...I regularly have once piece of bread in a day, but have rarely had rice or pasta, still (altho' rice twice and pasta once, this past 6 weeks, or however long it's been!) But my portions are small, relatively speaking.

I have been aware of some things creeping up (too much coffee/bikkies), and from a spiritual place, am finding grace to resume focus to help with a healthy balance. Even so, the scales did reach 61.4 this past week, which has me just 1.6 kg shy of my 15. Perhaps, come Mother's Day, it will sink to 60kg!

In Conclusion For Now—Giving Glory!

I started out talking about menopause and its various discomforts. lol I discovered a lot about my body and the effects of different things, after not having them for a while. But, the most important thing I found was that this lifestyle of fasting, living a fasted life, has been the key to bringing balance back into my life. Biologically, my body is back to running in a way that feels normal to me. I look 1000% better than I did a year ago! My youth is renewed, for sure! I will turn 58 on 1010 (today is 0505), but I look and feel better in every way than I have for a decade at least!

I know I haven't delved into other areas, but I wanted to testify to God's faithfulness to lead me out of the heaviness in which I had landed myself and give glory to Him for delivering me out of the obsession about food, weight, looks and consequently, age and irrelevance—and into the freedom of finding renewal and restoration in His Word and leading.

I will add some photos soon :)

*Just like I rejected having to go through the 'terrible 2s' and 'rebellious teens'. I am not saying these periods don't present distinct challenges, but I am saying, it doesn't have to lead to the dreadful dramas spouted as being inevitable. I believe the Lord has wisdom for us that can avert much of that drama, and for me, it did. This is not my is a testimony of my experience in God raising my family. I know it isn't everyone's experience and that many have extenuating circumstances and complications. My heart goes out to those who suffer with these things, but it doesn't change the fact that the promises of God are faithful and true.

That was then... this is now.

Sunday, September 8, 2019

The Next 90 Days with Robin Sharma- Aug 24 & Sept 9

As of Aug 24
So, here I am, 5 days down the road after my 100 Days of Transformation and a new series has emerged. I attended a workshop through my NEIS group and saw this cool video by Robin Sharma
In this video, he spoke of a way to 100 x your productivity. That's a pretty big promise!

I'm always thinking about how to better use my time, better organise my thoughts and intentions and achieve greater personal productivity. I've complained about disruption and constant flux, but I also know I have procrastinated and allowed added distraction, which, I learned, takes 21 minutes to come back from, with regard to concentration.

And I know I speak from experience when I say, there comes a point, after a certain level of disruption, or distraction, the whole idea of concentrating on anything seems to dissipate completely!

Mornings Are The Way To Go

I love giving my mornings to my greatest soul food. For me, that is the legendary Burleigh Beach walk. I have yet to find any equivalent that effectively ticks multiple boxes so well. Besides that, I have always been someone who likes to be up before the rest of the world and enjoy the stillness. I have been up to see way more sunrises than the average person. I love them. And I am a Sunflower (son-flower too). As the mornings lengthen, this becomes more and more obvious.

Robin Sharma's video refers to a special practice to implement first thing in your work day. For people who work from home, that's as early as they want to start.

The 90/90/1 Rule

The principle of this rule is to spend the NEXT 90 days, spending the FIRST 90 minutes on the SINGLE most game-changing opportunity in front of you. For me, that opportunity is ALWAYS centred around the WORD of God. It's the biggest game changer for everything, on every level.

So, I felt this focus on the Word after the 100 Days of a more physical approach, was a logical step.
It wasn't as if I wasn't reading or praying etc, during the 100 Days, but I mention on a number of occasions that I felt I needed to be doing more that way—to establish my heart, change and renew my mind. This takes a concentrated effort. The 90/90/1 Rule would be a good Daily Building framework to help.

I started immediately! Sat Aug 24-Nov 22. But I didn't stop there

Doubling UP

Since I want to give that very first part of my day to God's Word, I will give that 90 mins early. Starting anywhere from 6-6:30. This will get earlier with the dawning times. After that, shower etc and be ready to do my 90/90/1 Rule application for my business from 8:30-9 for 90 mins.

The hard part has been trying to figure out what the game changing opportunity is there. I think this is the real core issue of my productivity struggles: I'm still really trying to figure these things out. It's the lack of clarity and organisation of tasks. Not to mention constant tech learning curves!! And I am certain, completing and launching my first course will take the longest.

The Teachable Creator Challenge goes till next Sat/Sun, so I still have a week to reach two milestones. My focus will be on accomplishing this—for the game changing opportunity of building a relevant email list. Actually Suzi Whitford has a 100 Day challenge for building an email list...might be good to use it as a guide. :)

God's Word Stands—He Is So Faithful
In January, as I've previously stated, the Lord impressed upon my heart, Daily Building. Since then, He has just continued to bring opportunities within communities (which adds great accountability and morale) that cause me to continue in being focused on just turning up each day, taking back my intentional thinking faculties and restoring true soundness of mind.

September 9 Update
And here's what has come about so far!
I finally got that fifth shift taken off my workload and am enjoying a 12 hour day at home on my own content. As well as having an actual day off on Sunday! A day off being 'not to think about ANY work', or feel guilty for not doing any. Six days are enough!

Friday, August 23, 2019

100 Days IN Review-Insights, Hindsight and New Sights

Weighing Up

The Heavens declare your glory, Oh God
The skies proclaim the works of your hands.
I don't know what my physical weight is, but now  that my 100 Days are up, I wanted to review what I had hoped to gain from this process I felt led to take on, as well as what I plan to move into from here.

In looking back to my hopes, the main theme was to shed the accumulated excess weight of years of not staying as 'on top of things' as I could have. Of course, all the moving around and added burden of a long distance relationship (that brought a whole lot of extra trauma of its own that I won't go into), and the lack of being able to maintain a natural rhythm and routine for healthy habits—although, I really did try repeatedly to establish new ways with each new set up.

The most established habit that has come forth out of this time has definitely been in the area of diet and eating. My thoughts concerning food and what I'm eating are fairly stable, and I am the most healthy and balanced physically and functionally than I have been for literally years.

Overall, on this level, I am pleased with the track I'm on and I intend to stick with it more or less as it is ( 16:8), with perhaps a few softer lines occasionally, such as 15-16 hrs fasting, maybe have some rice or pasta... but not so fussed about that, really. Not like I'm craving anything in particular.

I don't think I progressed as far INTERNALLY as I wanted to, but perhaps that will become evident as we go on.


Today, I learned of a guy called Robin Sharme and he has something he calls the 90/90/1 Rule.
I am moving into this daily challenge now. It seems that the Lord keeps bringing me ways to pull me back in to the simplicity of daily focusing and building— with NEIS, plus my 100 Days, and the Teachable Creator Challenge (which has helped with focus on getting my online school up and running and runs till Aug 31), and now, with this. He just keeps giving me breadcrumbs to follow an they all dovetail and service each other, so it isn't like I'm trying to juggle multiple goals. It's more like each one breaks a specific area down into structured and attainable sections.

With the 90/90/1 Rule the idea is that you spend the next 90 days, spending the first 90 mins on the single biggest game changing opportunity.

For me, hands down, no question, that first 90 mins is going into the Word of God, renewing my mind and establishing my heart. I am desperate to get my head and heart back into healthy places and before you finish reading this blog, you will have a clearer understanding as to why.

BUT, that isn't all. I'm actually doing a double-up on this one. My early morning is going to be in the Word (6:30-8) OR divided between first thing in the morning and last thing at night, and my first 90 mins from 9 will be for my business. I am going to be doing organised bible study. Thematic, topical or by a book at a time. I will know before tomorrow morning where I am going to start with the Word. However, when it comes to my business, whenever I take some time away at my daughter's, or even an interruption, I seem to just lose my place and forget all of everything! I will decide about that before tomorrow, because if I don't know what I'm doing when the day starts, the first half of the day disappears.
To be fair, though, I don't think it is just the time off—
Personal Disclosure

So, here is the very hard part.

It's been so much more difficult because I have been trying to come to grips with my husband wanting a divorce. The 6 months cooling off ends this weekend and with the active divorce date looming, the emotional intensity in me has been escalating. Of course, I was hoping for a better outcome—a change of heart perhaps, but the closing date draws near, I am not in the peaceful place I would like to be. Nor did I want to give up, or  say anything before it was past hope.

My goal, after the 100 Days was that no matter the outcome, I would have peace and be able to accept and move on, only the last few days have felt anything but that. I was even sent home from my part time job on Wednesday and told to take the rest of the week off because I started sobbing and the tears would not stop. The only thing that has helped is listening to really solid Bible teaching.  I know from personal experience that this is the way to freedom and wholeness: immersion in the Word to the exclusion of all else. It's the only way I can keep my thoughts in check and block any unruly gambols down dark lanes that can lead to long term struggles. The fact that I am finding it so hard at all indicates clearly that I've not done enough to keep my mental watch over my heart. I knew that—so, no excuses.

The way out is almost always through.

I still believe what I heard in my heart was from God:
The time for mourning is over. Rejoice!
The Season of singing has come!
These words carry within themselves the power for fulfilment when taken to heart. Any living Word from God encapsulates the life creating force to fulfil it. If I had made an immersive stand on them months ago, rather than a brief reference now and then, chances are my heart would already be experiencing God's peace that passes all understanding. But now, time has run out and I simply have to navigate my way out beyond the sorrow. I think this will be my first area of study...starting in Song Of Songs (one of my favourite books).
So that's my story for now. I thought I would include some of my own brand of WordArt :) My photos and presentation with some good Word texts!
Till next time.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

100 Days of Transformation- Day 2-1-Final 24

The man I love <3
Even though I only just got in the door, and it's 9:43 p.m., I didn't want to miss saying something on this final eve of my 100 DAYS.

I was thinking that it finished today, but as I started after sundown on Sunday (Mother's Day), May 12, my 100th Day actually started at sundown this eve and ends at sundown tomorrow. So, my counter is correct. :)

But wow!! It's been such an emotional few days! My husband has been having some difficulties too, and I'm aching that I cannot be present to comfort him. :(

Heart Strings

That personal matter that just keeps plucking away has been intensifying. It has a time sensitivity aspect and with that also counting down its final week, I find myself drawn tight across all my emotions. This does make for a bit of fragility that probably surprises people who might unwittingly scratch the raw surface of my heart. But that is where I am.

Busyness And Business

This compounds the frustration I feel at not making enough progress with my work, due to having to stop at 3 and go out to an external job four nights and Saturday till 1 pm. I have struggled with this balancing act, which I have mentioned before, and it seems that every time I feel like I'm just settling into a rhythm and doing a good job, I get the wind knocked out of my sails. And then , of course, I think Why Bother? 

There has to be a healthy balance in this. And so, I keep plugging away, looking at how to fulfil my business goals, generate some interest and income and free myself of the burden to work nights on something outside my calling and focus, just for the sake of dollars. Don't get me wrong, I am grateful for all it has afforded, but the cost must be weighed, and if it is too high, an adjustment must be made.

I had already determined to give myself August to prayerfully consider this. I just mention it, coz it's been hard going the last few days. I don't have a buffer zone when it comes to time...and that's just not right.

Defiant Art

Sometimes, like today, just because I feel like this, I will ignore everything and do music or art, or write—or all of them.  I spent an early hour journalling (not unusual), and then another adding to this piece of my grand-baby girl, Pearl.

The final 45 mins before leaving, I played through a set list for worship. I selected a bunch of old skool stuff and enjoyed them. I played through that list tonight for the prayer meeting, which I go to straight from my evening shift, and why I wasn't home till late. In addition to that, I've been ripping all my favourite music to my laptop to encourage more singing when I don't have to be writing/creating. I need  to be singing!

It's That Time.
Time to hit the hay, so I can get up early and do another hour of much delayed illustration work

Sunday, August 18, 2019

100 Days of Transformation-Days 8-3-A Big Loss

Can You Believe it?

I am stunned that it is actually a full WEEK since I did a blog!
Not for a single second did I forget or fall off the wagon of my 100 Day Fast, but just didn't get to blog.

News of Loss
Healthy Loss

I went to my GP last Tuesday and was able to weigh myself at the same place where I started. To my great joy, I showed a loss of 8.1 kgs! GLORY!!

Granted, it isn't the 15 kg I was aiming for, but I am not done yet and I believe I am well on the path to being whatever the best weight is for me-Hallelujah! Mine is the pleasure of donning items that was too tight and uncomfortable, which are becoming increasingly loose— and I am enjoying it! 

So, that was probably the highlight of the week for me.

Heart Matters

Overall, I seem to do pretty well, but out of nowhere, I will get slammed and feel swamped with sadness over this personal concern. Along with all this other weight, I know it is something that I have been learning to cast upon the Lord, rather than carry myself, as there is nothing physical or natural that I can do to change it. Prayer, worship and thanksgiving are the highest and best option, but too often, I just grab the whole thing, clutch it close and insist on bearing it again. Only to relinquish it once more when I grow too weary to stand it :(

In every other way, through any and all day to day challenges, I am extremely blessed and grateful for the provision of a home, my office, my family, a wonderful church family, work, worship, means to live... and my amazing vintage car, RITA! God is so faithful. <3

Flare Ups

Just as I have these emotional flare ups, this week, I have had a little more bread than previously and I actually can tell the difference in my body for it. I have reason to believe that yeast is part of the issue, more-so than wheat. One thing about cutting something out of your diet for a season (physical or mental), you can tell if there are issues with it when you start partaking of it again.

I haven't had any reactions to anything else being reintroduced. I think bread is o.k. too, but within a certain balance. I am yet to have pasta or rice, quinoa etc. I'm not really in a hurry to, either.

Ongoing Plans

By the time Tuesday night, Day 100, comes around, I expect to have something of a plan or guideline for the remainder of the year. I don't want to simply stop everything I've been doing and start doing all the things I had stopped doing. lol I am sure this season has been for the purpose of establishing better habits and ways of thinking and living. I have an inkling of some things, but not fully clear yet.

1010 2020 Vision
Tipping Point

Future focus in general has been very  strong this week, along with the sense of the unfolding fulfilment of the vision for the rest of 2019 ( Daily Building remember?) and the progressive unveiling of the view into 2020. Next year, my birthday is 10/10/2020 and early this year, I did feel a clear excitement about upcoming clarity for the year 2020, even though I didn't see it then. A confidence that I would have a level of vision and discernment that I have not enjoyed for a long time has been steadily growing.

Learning With Lisa Online

This is the name of the business I began—not that it seems like much of a business at this point. My new e-book How To Have Fun Making Books has been undergoing edits and I have persevered through multiple attempts to craft my mini-course. I am finally drawing closer to actually having something complete! I am shocked at just how distracted and easily diverted I have been and the massive effort it has taken to simply sit back at my desk, pick everything up and start working again, in spite of every internal clog wanting to yield to procrastination! Yes, there are countless disruptions (that is the age in which we live), but even so, the mental discipline to choose the desired gear in which to work has been monumental. ALL part of the Daily Building process, I have no doubt. I will have a strong and sound mind by the end of 2019!

It seems the scales are beginning to slide. Tipping Point. I finally feel like I am getting somewhere! Yay!

An Afterthought
It's just occurred to me that "scales" are a significant symbol for this time. Not that I am a follower of Zodiacs, but it's interesting in bringing up my birthday, the Libran symbol is also scales. But I want to go further than that...scales represent justice, reckoning, balance and reconciliation and I do believe that all these elements are taking place in me, in my life and in my affairs in this season. This also agrees with the becoming debt-free aspect.

It's as if all the claims the devil had on me because I gave him license through my super stupid choices, are all but met and paid. Hallelujah! Aah yes..selah.

Sunday, August 11, 2019

100 Days of Transformation-Days 10-9-Final Countdown


Days to go! And counting.
I don't know what I am expecting, but I would like to do something celebrational.  Just holding to this decision for the full term is reason enough!

Regardless of whether I see all that I hope to immediately, or not, I have enjoyed some results and  I know I have sown seeds that are going to produce ongoing fruit. For this reason, don't be surprised if I continue to share after the 100 Days. I want any overflow benefits to be traced back to where they began.

A Quick Recap On Focus

In January this year, I felt the Lord impress upon my heart the phrase Daily Building. I took this to heart and was even logging the days. e.g 1/365 etc. The point was not to count the days, but to stay mindful of making the day count. Today is  Day 223/365.

Another extension on this, was to be daily applying myself in the direction of the final goal, which in this case began with getting my online business off the ground. I know the kinds of stops and starts I've struggled with and the scatter gun tactics I've tried not to do, but kept falling prey to.

I feel His admonishment of just keep turning up every day even if you don't think the days have been so fruitful. Keep turning up. Don't quit....He also whispered to my heart that  this year your debt will end and the circumstances around finance will change permanently. At least, this is what I felt I heard. Time will prove me right, or not, but I am carrying this in my heart every day.

I did receive an email this week saying the larger of my two debts will finish in Dec and I was not being charged interest any more! (Seven years!)

It was also in January when I felt the instruction to come home and apply for NEIS came to me.
I did feel encouraged and strengthened and have continually fallen back on what I received in January. That's the whole purpose of Holy Spirit leading :) To encourage and guide.
Burleigh Beach Bubbles (website no longer exists-
new biz site is


Both NEIS and the 100 Days have been an asset in keeping me accountable and on track-with a daily building mindset. I don't, for a single second, feel I have accomplished a fraction of what I hoped to in this time, and yet, at the same time, given a significant life event that is taking place Aug 27 (Oz dates), a week after I conclude my 100 days, it does seem like a timely closing of one chapter and the opening of a new.

I am at a place of feeling more sure of what I should and what I can no longer, be doing. We are mere finite beings and can only do so much in a day, but with faith in God, focus, commitment, a good plan, and more than anything else...KEEP TURNING UP (consistency), we can get there.

Commitment one way always means exclusivity and denial in others. Clear direction always prompts clear decision making. Not easy, necessarily. But clear. I've been struggling with the 'not easy' part lol.

My 100 Days and especially my NEIS plans, goals and agreements have been an invaluable source for grounding me again and again. My Fast has done a lot to help me change how I was feeling about myself on a physical level and the psychology around that-ugly, unattractive, old before my time, undesirable, has been. Of course this is connected to other things as well, but in a simple, subtle way, taking such a low key committed step, from a primarily spiritual standpoint has just provided God with room to wrought a work of grace in my heart and mind-and maybe my body too. :)

It's not the end of it either. In the next 9 days, I will know how to continue from Aug 20 regarding food menus and eating windows.

I am a Son/Sunflower

And as I have bee doing the work that I have been doing, I realised that I have found the symbol for my logo/brand. I have repeatedly used this beautiful picture, and I just LOVE it!
It also features on the front of my new e-book...very soon to be released! I completed my first draft yesterday, have a few things to tweak, and then, it will be ready to go!

So, I am making progress!!
But-I did not go to my part time job in order to do it.
It wouldn't be where it is, if had only had parts of days to get it done.

This is causing me to consider deeply how I can best fulfil my daily building mandate. The passing of days, indeed weeks, with no worthwhile progress has been adding a lot of stress to my mind along with being out every day- which anyone who knows me knows that is not aligned with my wiring!

I've even advocated that it's no good for anyone's health. God gave us the example of a day of rest. Making  and learning about art, music, writing, is rest for me and it takes TIME. To build my life through these practices is my call, I am SURE of it! God wants glory thru all of them in manifold ways, so people will want to know Him, and I want to bring it!

That's it for now ... Blessings

How I Love You, Lord ( an original worship song)