A Setting Of The Scene
I've heard many women testify to many and varied symptoms that accompany menopause. Typical to my pattern, I was resistant to blindly accepting negative conditions as ultimately unavoidable.* I didn't think it should be as bad as 'they' say.
Leading up up to that time in my life, I was gaining a bit of weight, but could easily put it down to not consuming as healthy a diet at that time. In my own strength, I tried to re-establish some better practices. ( Flesh isn't much good for that. Got me nowhere)
April 2013 (@ 51 & 1/2 years), I had my final period. Medically, one is said to have completed menopause after 12 mths of no menstruation, so April 2014, I was officially done.
April 2013 (@ 51 & 1/2 years), I had my final period. Medically, one is said to have completed menopause after 12 mths of no menstruation, so April 2014, I was officially done.
I did experience many things, in the years leading up to that and since, but I cannot put all that down to Menopause, as there were too many in-arguably contributing factors, such as,
- I wasn't living the clean life I had been. I started drinking and this led to the long term affect of junk food additions to my diet.
- I turned away from following God and living according to His Word, leading to divorce. (which was peaceful as far as divorces go...but such a tragedy, and one that dogged my efforts to find forgiveness and move forward for at least 15 years)
- I went into doctrines of demons and walked in deception. ( As always happens when we reject the Truth we have known and understood)
- Demonic strongholds of which I had been previously delivered, became seven times worse, as promised.
- Seven years of physical and emotional upheaval, travelling across the Pacific and back sixteen times ( I think), for months at a time. I have NO idea how many different places I stayed!
Given these conditions, I cannot put the blame for YEARS of not sleeping more than 60-90 mins at a time, weight gain, and other physical imbalances down to merely menopause. I know the blessing of living in peace and the health it brings. I also understand the converse.
I would say these choices made me a much better candidate for all the ills of which women complain, but I still didn't want to embrace them as unavoidable. I can be stubborn that way. :)
I did come back to the blood of Jesus, but I still needed to come back to His Word. I became desperate to break free, break out, break through, and pulling the rug out fro under my own feet, I quit my singing gigs, sold everything but Rita (my 1991 car), some precious stuff, fostered out my plants and hit the road ( Mar 17, 2012), making plans to leave for the US on May 31, 2012. (For 3 mths—with just $600AUD-which was on par with USD then. But that's a whole 'nother' story!)
I would say these choices made me a much better candidate for all the ills of which women complain, but I still didn't want to embrace them as unavoidable. I can be stubborn that way. :)
I did come back to the blood of Jesus, but I still needed to come back to His Word. I became desperate to break free, break out, break through, and pulling the rug out fro under my own feet, I quit my singing gigs, sold everything but Rita (my 1991 car), some precious stuff, fostered out my plants and hit the road ( Mar 17, 2012), making plans to leave for the US on May 31, 2012. (For 3 mths—with just $600AUD-which was on par with USD then. But that's a whole 'nother' story!)
Turning Point Spiritually
July 17, 2015, I had been in my own place on the Gold Coast for about 4 mths and I gave myself back to the Lord and made His Word final authority again. I felt like Rip Van Winkle and seriously just awoken to an entirely different world! Although, I didn't walk everything out perfectly, this was absolutely the point of change, and it came 40 months after I'd left. 40 months of a special kind of wilderness that led me back in to the Light, after years of darkness.Deeper Turning Physically
Over this time, I seemed to be often gaining weight for reasons I could neither see, nor really understand. I was in fellowship with the Lord and trying to consistently pray and read and live the word. Not sleeping soundly contributed. Emotional stresses. Several physical ailments and irritations—which had never been a regular thing for me. No consistent routine for healthy diet and exercise.
But with 2018, I just kept on putting on weight and nothing I did seemed to make any lasting difference. I did prophesy over myself that I wanted to live a fasted life, and when I did that, I felt an inward witness. During the first two months of 2019, the Lord had spoken clearly to me about the focus for 2019 Daily Building and where it was leading.
It was summed up in Heb 12:1
Since then, we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off all the weights and the sins that so easily entangle us and let us run with perseverance that race marked out for us.
But with 2018, I just kept on putting on weight and nothing I did seemed to make any lasting difference. I did prophesy over myself that I wanted to live a fasted life, and when I did that, I felt an inward witness. During the first two months of 2019, the Lord had spoken clearly to me about the focus for 2019 Daily Building and where it was leading.
It was summed up in Heb 12:1
Since then, we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off all the weights and the sins that so easily entangle us and let us run with perseverance that race marked out for us.
Turning Point Geographically
Jumping ahead, I came home to Oz to stay, March 6, 2019, almost exactly 7 yrs later. I didn't feel good about myself. I hated being so overweight, but was totally at a loss about what to do in a practical sense. I felt so old and ugly and really without anything of value to give. I know this isn't how God saw or sees me, but I also knew it wasn't what He wanted for me. As someone who had once been delivered of eating disorders and unhealthy thinking about food, just trying to diet, watch weight or count calories, was never going to work.
God's plan was to lead me along a path that would bring about the shedding of all dead weight I had picked up in my travels—inside and out. I started becoming convinced about the fasted life being a key and in March 2019, it became clear to me that the Lord wanted me to do a 100 day fast, commencing with a Daniel ( Fruit/Veg/ Nuts).
I knew this was beyond me naturally, but I was struggling with inflammation caused issues in my body too, and I truly believed this 100 Day Fast would lead to the shedding of the root causes of everything in one way or another. I couldn't just diet. This was a spiritual endeavour, inspired and led by the Lord, NOT a weight-loss programme, and it would take HIS enabling grace to do. To access that grace, I needed to be ready to make a total commitment. It took two more months for me to get to that point.
I knew this 100 Day Fast would lead to a loss in weight...inside and out. I had an intense emotional burden as well and expected to find peace concerning that. Physically, I felt 15 kg (33 lbs) was the figure He spoke to my heart. I also felt it was going to open the way back into a full restoration of my life and callings in Him. Also, joyfully, I would know and understand what I hadn't, which is how to live in this menopausal body! Not surprisingly, it has a lot to do with living a fasted life!
It was four months and three address shifts, since arriving back in OZ, before the Lord, in an immediate answer to prayer, led me to a permanent-for-me dwelling, and I moved in around July 9.
God's plan was to lead me along a path that would bring about the shedding of all dead weight I had picked up in my travels—inside and out. I started becoming convinced about the fasted life being a key and in March 2019, it became clear to me that the Lord wanted me to do a 100 day fast, commencing with a Daniel ( Fruit/Veg/ Nuts).
I knew this was beyond me naturally, but I was struggling with inflammation caused issues in my body too, and I truly believed this 100 Day Fast would lead to the shedding of the root causes of everything in one way or another. I couldn't just diet. This was a spiritual endeavour, inspired and led by the Lord, NOT a weight-loss programme, and it would take HIS enabling grace to do. To access that grace, I needed to be ready to make a total commitment. It took two more months for me to get to that point.
I knew this 100 Day Fast would lead to a loss in weight...inside and out. I had an intense emotional burden as well and expected to find peace concerning that. Physically, I felt 15 kg (33 lbs) was the figure He spoke to my heart. I also felt it was going to open the way back into a full restoration of my life and callings in Him. Also, joyfully, I would know and understand what I hadn't, which is how to live in this menopausal body! Not surprisingly, it has a lot to do with living a fasted life!
It was four months and three address shifts, since arriving back in OZ, before the Lord, in an immediate answer to prayer, led me to a permanent-for-me dwelling, and I moved in around July 9.
Mother's Day, May 12, 2019
The day I moved back to stay with my daughter and family (my third shift) was the day I decided to start the 100 Day Fast, from sundown that night. It was Mother's Day and we had shared a lovely family afternoon/evening together. 100 Days would take me through to Aug 20, and I had been prompted to begin with a Daniel Fast of fruit, vegs and nuts for the first 3 weeks. I also had ONE decaf coffee mid afternoon. I did include one egg and maybe 30gm of cheese each week, and toward the end of week 3, introduced yoghurt on my fruit.
I had no means for weighing myself, nor was it the focus, but because I expected to lose 15kg in 100 days, every day I stayed strong in His grace, I credited myself with 150 gm loss and celebrated! This was a definite act of faith...full of joy and full assurance. :)
I documented the process on this blog site, so I won't go over all that...but I will say each three weeks, a change was implemented—as led by my heart in the Lord.
Weeks 4-6 Daniel Fast continues but added chicken and fish and another coffee was allowed—a real one!
Weeks 7-9 Diet unchanged but the introduction of intermittent fasting. Wk 7, ratio 13:11 Fasting: eating window respectively. I also fully moved into my place! Wk 8, 14:10, Wk 9, 15:9
Weeks 10-12 Ratio of 16:8 same diet, but also allowed my a sweet treat once a week (usually a cookie with coffee after church on Sunday, and a lemon lime and bitters on the days I luncheoned with Lady Pastor and Children's Pastor
Weeks 13-14 +2 days Same diet, but introduced bread on occasion.
I still did well in Sydney, maintaining my 16:8, but I did eat differently—however, always started with my fruit! When I came home to the Coast, I was so concerned I may have put weight back on I was too scared to look! I reminded myself that my fasting is not just about physical weight, and came back to affirming the principle of fasting for spiritual purposes.
When I did weigh myself I was 13 kg less than when I started my 100 Days!
When the dreaded 'CV plague' hit, forcing us all into confinement, I was definitely eating more (due to being distracted) and this past month have indulged, for me, on a few fronts...sometimes, less fasting hours, sometimes chocolate! But, in spite of all this, generally, my habits are pretty established...I regularly have once piece of bread in a day, but have rarely had rice or pasta, still (altho' rice twice and pasta once, this past 6 weeks, or however long it's been!) But my portions are small, relatively speaking.
I have been aware of some things creeping up (too much coffee/bikkies), and from a spiritual place, am finding grace to resume focus to help with a healthy balance. Even so, the scales did reach 61.4 this past week, which has me just 1.6 kg shy of my 15. Perhaps, come Mother's Day, it will sink to 60kg!
*Just like I rejected having to go through the 'terrible 2s' and 'rebellious teens'. I am not saying these periods don't present distinct challenges, but I am saying, it doesn't have to lead to the dreadful dramas spouted as being inevitable. I believe the Lord has wisdom for us that can avert much of that drama, and for me, it did. This is not my boast...it is a testimony of my experience in God raising my family. I know it isn't everyone's experience and that many have extenuating circumstances and complications. My heart goes out to those who suffer with these things, but it doesn't change the fact that the promises of God are faithful and true.

I had no means for weighing myself, nor was it the focus, but because I expected to lose 15kg in 100 days, every day I stayed strong in His grace, I credited myself with 150 gm loss and celebrated! This was a definite act of faith...full of joy and full assurance. :)
I documented the process on this blog site, so I won't go over all that...but I will say each three weeks, a change was implemented—as led by my heart in the Lord.
Weeks 4-6 Daniel Fast continues but added chicken and fish and another coffee was allowed—a real one!
Weeks 7-9 Diet unchanged but the introduction of intermittent fasting. Wk 7, ratio 13:11 Fasting: eating window respectively. I also fully moved into my place! Wk 8, 14:10, Wk 9, 15:9
Weeks 10-12 Ratio of 16:8 same diet, but also allowed my a sweet treat once a week (usually a cookie with coffee after church on Sunday, and a lemon lime and bitters on the days I luncheoned with Lady Pastor and Children's Pastor
Weeks 13-14 +2 days Same diet, but introduced bread on occasion.
What About The 15kg?
On August 18, I weighed in 8.1 kg lighter than I started and felt confident that I would continue to lose weight. Altho' my 100 days finished on Aug 20, I kept up with the road I was on very well until I went to Sydney for Christmas lol! By the time I went to Sydney, I had lost closer to 12 kgs (!) and was feeling pretty well established on my chosen path of a fasted life.I still did well in Sydney, maintaining my 16:8, but I did eat differently—however, always started with my fruit! When I came home to the Coast, I was so concerned I may have put weight back on I was too scared to look! I reminded myself that my fasting is not just about physical weight, and came back to affirming the principle of fasting for spiritual purposes.
When I did weigh myself I was 13 kg less than when I started my 100 Days!
When the dreaded 'CV plague' hit, forcing us all into confinement, I was definitely eating more (due to being distracted) and this past month have indulged, for me, on a few fronts...sometimes, less fasting hours, sometimes chocolate! But, in spite of all this, generally, my habits are pretty established...I regularly have once piece of bread in a day, but have rarely had rice or pasta, still (altho' rice twice and pasta once, this past 6 weeks, or however long it's been!) But my portions are small, relatively speaking.
I have been aware of some things creeping up (too much coffee/bikkies), and from a spiritual place, am finding grace to resume focus to help with a healthy balance. Even so, the scales did reach 61.4 this past week, which has me just 1.6 kg shy of my 15. Perhaps, come Mother's Day, it will sink to 60kg!
In Conclusion For Now—Giving Glory!
I started out talking about menopause and its various discomforts. lol I discovered a lot about my body and the effects of different things, after not having them for a while. But, the most important thing I found was that this lifestyle of fasting, living a fasted life, has been the key to bringing balance back into my life. Biologically, my body is back to running in a way that feels normal to me. I look 1000% better than I did a year ago! My youth is renewed, for sure! I will turn 58 on 1010 (today is 0505), but I look and feel better in every way than I have for a decade at least!
I know I haven't delved into other areas, but I wanted to testify to God's faithfulness to lead me out of the heaviness in which I had landed myself and give glory to Him for delivering me out of the obsession about food, weight, looks and consequently, age and irrelevance—and into the freedom of finding renewal and restoration in His Word and leading.
I will add some photos soon :)
I know I haven't delved into other areas, but I wanted to testify to God's faithfulness to lead me out of the heaviness in which I had landed myself and give glory to Him for delivering me out of the obsession about food, weight, looks and consequently, age and irrelevance—and into the freedom of finding renewal and restoration in His Word and leading.
I will add some photos soon :)