Sunday, September 8, 2019

The Next 90 Days with Robin Sharma- Aug 24 & Sept 9

As of Aug 24
So, here I am, 5 days down the road after my 100 Days of Transformation and a new series has emerged. I attended a workshop through my NEIS group and saw this cool video by Robin Sharma
In this video, he spoke of a way to 100 x your productivity. That's a pretty big promise!

I'm always thinking about how to better use my time, better organise my thoughts and intentions and achieve greater personal productivity. I've complained about disruption and constant flux, but I also know I have procrastinated and allowed added distraction, which, I learned, takes 21 minutes to come back from, with regard to concentration.

And I know I speak from experience when I say, there comes a point, after a certain level of disruption, or distraction, the whole idea of concentrating on anything seems to dissipate completely!

Mornings Are The Way To Go

I love giving my mornings to my greatest soul food. For me, that is the legendary Burleigh Beach walk. I have yet to find any equivalent that effectively ticks multiple boxes so well. Besides that, I have always been someone who likes to be up before the rest of the world and enjoy the stillness. I have been up to see way more sunrises than the average person. I love them. And I am a Sunflower (son-flower too). As the mornings lengthen, this becomes more and more obvious.

Robin Sharma's video refers to a special practice to implement first thing in your work day. For people who work from home, that's as early as they want to start.

The 90/90/1 Rule

The principle of this rule is to spend the NEXT 90 days, spending the FIRST 90 minutes on the SINGLE most game-changing opportunity in front of you. For me, that opportunity is ALWAYS centred around the WORD of God. It's the biggest game changer for everything, on every level.

So, I felt this focus on the Word after the 100 Days of a more physical approach, was a logical step.
It wasn't as if I wasn't reading or praying etc, during the 100 Days, but I mention on a number of occasions that I felt I needed to be doing more that way—to establish my heart, change and renew my mind. This takes a concentrated effort. The 90/90/1 Rule would be a good Daily Building framework to help.

I started immediately! Sat Aug 24-Nov 22. But I didn't stop there

Doubling UP

Since I want to give that very first part of my day to God's Word, I will give that 90 mins early. Starting anywhere from 6-6:30. This will get earlier with the dawning times. After that, shower etc and be ready to do my 90/90/1 Rule application for my business from 8:30-9 for 90 mins.

The hard part has been trying to figure out what the game changing opportunity is there. I think this is the real core issue of my productivity struggles: I'm still really trying to figure these things out. It's the lack of clarity and organisation of tasks. Not to mention constant tech learning curves!! And I am certain, completing and launching my first course will take the longest.

The Teachable Creator Challenge goes till next Sat/Sun, so I still have a week to reach two milestones. My focus will be on accomplishing this—for the game changing opportunity of building a relevant email list. Actually Suzi Whitford has a 100 Day challenge for building an email list...might be good to use it as a guide. :)

God's Word Stands—He Is So Faithful
In January, as I've previously stated, the Lord impressed upon my heart, Daily Building. Since then, He has just continued to bring opportunities within communities (which adds great accountability and morale) that cause me to continue in being focused on just turning up each day, taking back my intentional thinking faculties and restoring true soundness of mind.

September 9 Update
And here's what has come about so far!
I finally got that fifth shift taken off my workload and am enjoying a 12 hour day at home on my own content. As well as having an actual day off on Sunday! A day off being 'not to think about ANY work', or feel guilty for not doing any. Six days are enough!