I popped by for a quick chat.
I have been living in Alameda, California the past 6 months. Five of those months have been spent in a cosy little one bedroom apartment, in which we have been creating quite a pleasant haven. Although only a single bedroom, the flat has a very spacious feel to it and out small backyard, maybe 20x12ft ( approx 6 x 4 m), has been steadily filling filling with greenery and flowers and hanging things, not to mention my lovely table and umbrella. We just added a birdbath, too!
We have solar lights and are awaiting a small solar powered water fountain to sit in the birdbath and make it more attractive to our flying feathered friends.
Some images of our developing garden over the past several months.
OUr Tomatoes have skyrocketted... particularly the rogue one by the wall that we didn't even plant , nor have we needed to water! It has cherry tomatoes forming and has now outgrown all of our six foot tall vines.There are three other 'rogue ones too, one in the centre of our bunch at the front. on to the left of our three and another on the far right fence, coming up beside the spider plant you can see in the other shot above.
i love our garden, and my table is my favourite painting and studying, general place to be, spot!!
And here are some photos of our night time garden under power of solar lights. Our umbrella is lit underneath too, but we aren't usually out there then. It's not warm here at night..EVER! lol
Below is the view of the tomatoes on our side fence and part of the back, and the one to the right of a back fence, which we look out upon directly.
I have rearranged the little twinkly ones and likely will again as I want them to look like a starry sky. For anyone looking , you can buy a set for $1 at the Dollar Store!
I love being able to build and grow something, but for all that, still dreadfully and perpetually home sick for my babies and my country and culture
I keep busy and want to be productive, so, work with Larrie in music, and solo, as I can drive myself a few places now, and I ride my push bike too, ( seen left.. "Kulana")I have also been drawing and painting a lot of colour-in templates. The one in this picture is for my mum to have for her grands and great grandchildren.. They are small jigsaw puzzles. :)
As you can see, I made colour-in templates for these as well.
I have been studying and writing blogs, but for my other sites... sadly neglecting this one, but it is hard to keep up with all three. You can read the others at https://theincorruptibleseed.com/ and https://ourfiresideromance.com/ .
Other Adventures
We went to visit some friends at Lake Almanor over July 4...highlight for me was seeing the sunrise for the first time in five months!!! I have been starving...gut ache starving!
I managed to see two out of three mornings I was there. Beautiful place, and we had some boating fun as well. Much warmer there! But it gets white winters, which I will experience later this year-if I am here.
We are taking another short trip up there in Aug 28-Sept 2-just before we leave for Oz on Sept 5.
More Painting.
Another ongoing project I have started is creating a series called Colour Your Word. I do these for my own meditation and heart establishing, but they are fun and could be helpful to others as well, so I made templates of them as well. I think I will compile them in a book and add some guided devotional work.
I might do the same for the kids puzzle ones.. and I have more puzzles to paint! :)
Feel free to save and print for your colouring fun, but I would appreciate you letting people know where they come from if you share. Thanks!
Closing Remarks
So! Lots of visual pleasures for this read. I hope you enjoy them. I certainly enjoyed living the noble life that led to them.
I would love to hear your comments and thoughts and please feel free to skip on over to my other blogs and make your mark there, too.
Jesus Is Lord, He loves you and wants you to know Him.
He is coming soon for those that love Him.
Best to acquaint your self with Him now :) Amen!